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NEX7 Great, but NOT for Families.

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<p>Hey All,<br>

Will Crockett here. I've been quizzed (pestered?) by a small pile of photo folks about my conclusion that the Sony NEX 7 (which I like a LOT) is not suited for use as "the families camera". They think it's fine for use by Moms / Dads and older kids too. I found the menu and controls to be challenging and frustrating compared to other choices (I have to test a lot of mirrorless cameras for work) and think a family would be better off with a different camera.<br>

Please take a minute to watch my review of the NEX 7 that will run later this month on picturingHD and GeekBeatTV and tell me if you think I'm a little too extreme on my response to the poor menu structure? I can re-edit if we think it needs to be changed.<br>

<a href="http://vimeo.com/crockett/nex7wc">http://vimeo.com/crockett/nex7wc</a><br>

Thanks folks, I need input here please.<br>


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<p>Please take a minute to watch my review of the NEX 7...</p>


<p>When in fact it takes 13 minutes and 13 seconds...</p>


<p>I found the menu and controls to be challenging and frustrating...</p>


<p>Since you aren't providing examples of what is challenging and frustrating TO YOU - all one is left with is a blanket statement giving your opinion; what YOU find challenging and frustrating may not be for others. Wouldn't a pro be equally (or even more) frustrated by a poor menu structure that ma and pa and the kiddies?</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Hello Will,<br>

Why do I sense that your presence here is something of a platform to promote your site? I don't object to that really when the comments expressed are objective, cogent and based on extensive research but I am afraid that your review above falls short for me personally. As Dieter has expressed above, some of the characteristics of this automated camera would be perfectly suitable for the amateur father and mother wanting to snap their children. These cameras work very well in small hands or for those who abhor the idea of a bulky camera. So I think the pro like yourself might not see the benefit of the NEX 7 but others would perhaps see much merit in it.</p>

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<p>Hi Starvy, Hi Deiter,<br>

It looks like I have offended you? My apologies. It's been a while since I've been on photo forums.<br>

Deiter is right, I did not list the reasons why the menu caused me, and others, problems in the review. There's no need to argue over them, if you have ever used this camera you may be better able to relate to what I saw. I don't think listed the menu problems in detail would make the review any better.<br>

No, I am not promoting my site here Starvy, and I am actually offended by your comment. I do a lot to help photographers, I suspect you know that. I was looking for a place where photographers could give me some helpful input that I may be missing, so I hoped onto here and two other spots. I'm checking with the photo public to see if I may have made a mistake, that's all. After seeing both of your photo galleries, I see your level of skill and your input would be important to me but what's with the attitude? Why? Is it fun for you to be rude to a guy like me? I'm asking for help here, not to be abused.<br>

I'm hoping you read this and apologize for your disrespectful tone, then engage in a conversation that is constructive. I reach over 5000 photographers, mostly pros, per day. My work is leading me into the non-pro regions and I like it. Part of my real job is testing mirrorless cameras, so I get to see a lot of them. I own a bunch too. Those cameras in the background of that video are mine. Am I a snob about it? No, heavens no. Never. My review is rather different in it's conclusion to others (I don't watch other reviews on a product until after I create mine) so I wanted to see if I missed something before I submit it. There's no reason to be rude.<br>


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<p>Will, I think people would take more kindly to requests to look at your site, videos, etc. if you were a generally contributing member to the photo.net community. In this case, you just joined the site today and your <em>only</em> post <em>appears</em> to be an attempt to draw traffic.</p>

<p>I think you may need more demonstrations of claims -- for one, low light *better* than DSLR? I'll buy "competitive", but it's really only <em>better</em> than DSLRs from a few years ago -- current models are generally using competitive sensors, etc, and Sony's lens lineup is no faster than DSLR lineups either. NEX bodies may have a leg up on micro 4/3 cameras but the latest 16mp-sensored bodies (G3, GX1, OM-D E-M5) are no slouches.</p>

<p>As for the menus, I don't think your response is too extreme but maybe should be backed up with specifics. I'm not very experienced with Sony products but when I've handled them in stores I've found that their menu and control scheme is different than many other cameras and would probably have a bit of a learning curve. One of the barriers to non-enthusiasts using enthusiast cameras is that these cameras have lots of controls and options and that user will struggle (or more likely not even try) to change anything. If something gets accidentally changed, they'll have trouble putting it back. </p>

<p>I liken this to a universal remote control for a home theater setup -- wife & mom struggle with using these at all. The idea of 'modal' operation -- where the buttons do different things based on different modes -- is unfriendly towards those who don't really want to learn it, they just want to use it. I think the same can be said for the NEX cameras with their unlabeled, modal/configurable dials/buttons.</p>

<p>Also, while I agree that the non-standard hotshoe is a drawback, there are third-party flashes to fit the Sony/Minolta shoe without adapters. I sort of feel like your suggestion to viewers to ignore flash might be doing them a disservice -- like you're telling them what they want to hear -- "Oh good, I don't like using flash anyway". IMO the ability to use accessory flash with bounce or off-camera is a big differentiator between point & shoots and larger, more costly cameras.</p>

<p>I'm glad that you may be qualified to produce these videos, but I don't much care for watching 30 seconds of your bio -- shouldn't that just be a link in the video's description or from the webpage where the video is hosted?</p>

<p>I recognize that this video isn't really targeted to the enthusiast membership of photo.net but I think you probably could have included something about autofocus, and maybe somehow demonstrated how good and useful the NEX-7's EVF is. The video really seemed like a lot of talking with annotated still images of the product but very little demonstrating the product itself in action.</p>

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<p>If you want to be complimented you won't get it from me. You will get some honesty. First I have had a NEX-5N since November. I am a twenty five year photographer who has owned his own business and previously has been wedded to Canon. First of all the upgraded flash works very well for me and I have gotten some very nice bounced flash pictures from it. I have to set flash comp at minus two stops to prevent over exposure, however. I learned how to use flash doing weddings with Vivitar 283s on Bronicas when shooting weddings and shooting for a newspaper with Canons. So I would in no way say its a flashless camera. I agree with you about the Sony menus: they can drive you crazy for a while but after a lot of use I am pretty well used to them but it is a big change from Canon. I have three emount lenses and an EVF which is built-in for the NEX 7. If you put the NEX on auto anybody can shoot pictures with it, IMO. I shoot swimming meets. I use the Canon for better tracking, faster lenses and the Sony contrast detect focusing is not fast enough. Exposure on the NEX is very good generally. Where I do use the Sony is at parties, indoor events and it makes great blowups for landscapes and the like. I set up the camera at parties and pass it around and others take pictures with it. I think the NEX is a great adjunct to my repertoire when I don't need high performance as I probably take more than fifty per cent of my pictures with it because my bag with three lenses, the NEX 5N weighs 3 and 1/2 lbs. as opposed to close to twenty for my Canon stuff. I take it out almost always when I go out because of that convenience. The 16MP quality is superb and the low light performance is better than the NEX 7. ISO 3200 is as good as my Canon 5D. I think your style of presentation is frenetic. You move around excessively swinging your swivel chair and over articulate IMO. I would like to see more facts in the video and less opinion. There are some really good people doing Camera video reviews. All in all I did not care much for the video. I am sure you are well qualified at what you do but I like a much more relaxed style of presentation.</p>
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<p>Will, despite the rough start there's an opportunity for constructive, if blunt, feedback here. My first impression is that, as others mentioned, a 13 minute video of this type is far too long. The best gear discussion videos are like the best pop songs: people will tap their feet to the beat for three minutes; any longer than three minutes and people begin tapping their feet impatiently.</p>
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<p>I'm not offended - and I fail to see how my response above can be perceived as disrespectful, offensive, or rude.<br>

IMHO it was a valid response to your question: <em>tell me if you think I'm a little too extreme on my response to the poor menu structure?</em> <br>

The menu structure is a bit convoluted - but I fail to see why this is only a problem for families and not for a pro or an enthusiast amateur? I could do with about half the options in the menu - as I would never use them (all the different shooting modes, for example). Whether or not the menu is a failure for me depends on which items I frequently need and whether they are easily accessible or not. If they aren't, then the camera stays in the shop and the plastic in the wallet.</p>

<p>As far as I am concerned, if Sony intends this camera to appeal to a beginner and pro alike, then there should be an option to customize and streamline the menu for a particular user. </p>

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<p>Most P&S are almost impossible to use and people think it's ok so I am not sure what's so difficult about this camera?</p>


<p>The thing about the NEX cameras is that they are P&S, for the P&S shooters but they often compare themselves with DSLRs. That is why they are complained that their control is too difficult (compared to DSLR's) while in fact they are much easier to use than other Cybershot P-series P&S cameras</p>

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<p>Despite the camera abundant and complicated and sometimes hard to use menu system for people who got spoiled by some better cameras, the camera has few automated exposure and picture taking modes, that could be perfect for the family.</p>

<p>Perhaps you can find a mode suitable for all family members with diverse experience and expectations.</p>

<p>There is no perfect camera mode that would satisfy everydody, use all advantages of the camera, and serve best in all lighting situations.<br>

However, e.g. the intelligent auto green color iAuto does pretty well in most picture taking situations.</p>

<p>So, if your mom / dad are not venturing into RAW shooting, manual settings, exposure or color altering, bracketing, etc, then NEX-7 is perfect camera for even a grandmother, mother-in-law, and as a point&shoot for any casual user with no experience or desire to learn intricacies of the Sony solutions.</p>

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Will, thank you for an excellent review and for taking the time to share it with the forum. I recently bought a Nex-7 so it's not

surprising that I've watched dozens of reviews and yours is clearly the most professional and helpful of them all. Anyone

truly interested in investing in mirrorless will be greatly served by your expertise and find that 13 informative minutes goes

by quickly and well worth the time. thank you .. daniel

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<p>Will, I think the video was ok, I also agree with your conclusions (as do most reviewers), but more examples of the camera in use (showing the menu system) would be more illustrative than head shots of you talking. I'd also shorten it up a bit - seems like you could cut at least 3 min. (shorten your bio etc.).</p>
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