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HDR and 5Diii

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<p>Not if your hand is steady. The camera will try to adjust the three images so they overlap. It does work (I've tried it), but obviously there's some limit on how much movement between shots it can compensate for. If you have a tripod handy at the time you want to take your HDR shot, use it.</p>

<p>It's 5Diii of course. The 5Dii doesn't have in-camera HDR.</p>


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<p>Any camera can (including the 5d2) - no rocket science required (though the ability to shoot RAW is strongly preferred ;-) ). The only thing special about the 5D3 is that it does it in-camera (though it's options are far more limited than stand alone software).</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>albeit limited creativity, is a quite convenient feature. is this worth of the money?</p>


<p>I'm sure many people will disagree, but it is not worth it in my book. I have a hard time imagining myself using it. Why would you buy a $3500 camera and then leave the processing to an unthinking, pre-set algorithm built into the camera's firmware? I virtually never shoot jpeg for precisely this reason.</p>

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<p>I don't shoot jpeg either. What I am referring to is not necessary the algorithm and process, but the instant reward and novelty with three Raw files still intact for future creativity. <br>

Additionally, I have the following questions:<br>

1. how fast does 5Diii produce the three shots? continuously? simultaneously? suitable for handheld? Does the firmware align the images should there be minor movement?<br>

2. will 5Dii be able to achieve the 3 raw files in the similar speed through AEB, or for 5Dii, one has to use tripod?</p>

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