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Canon EF 135mm f/2L: Comments from users, please


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I know the EF 135 f/2L is a superb portrait lens, but wonder if it

might be a good choice for two other purposes:<br><br>


<li>available light theatre and concert shots with my D30 (the lens

acts like a 216mm f/2 on the D30)

<li>wildlife photography with Canon teleconverters with the EOS3 or

D30 <p>

I would appreciate opinions from anyone who has used the lens for

these tasks as to its suitability.<p>

I realize the 70-200mm f/2.8L zoom is a contender also, but at

present I'm often shooting wide open using the D30 with a 50mm f/1.4

and an 85mm f/1.8, and know that f/2.8 is not fast enough to capture

many scenes.<p>

Here are some of the <a


html">shots I've been getting</a>, mainly at 800 ISO and wide open at

1/15 to 1/60 second. BTW, some of those scenes were lit like a coal

mine at midnight, and f/2.8 required single-digit shutter speeds.

Noise levels are acceptable on the D30 at 800 ISO, but not 1600


My goal in shooting theatre and concerts with the 135mm f/2 is to get

in tighter on individual performers' faces, something the 85mm f/1.8

is not long enough to do.<p>

The fact that the 135mm takes teleconverters is also interesting. At

the extreme, it would become a 432mm f/4 lens on the D30 with a 2X

TC, and a light one at that. I understand a tripod ring would be

nice, but not essential with this combination.<p>

Thanks for any comments you can post based on your experience with

this lens.

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Dear Brent


I have a 135 mm f2 which I use for taking photos of young

musicians in the UK National Children's Orcehstra. I've used it

on my D30 but have now moved on to a 1D (losing a little on the

digital magnification factor). The 135 is one of my favourite

lenses (I also use the 85 1.8 amd 50 1.4 when I am working

amongst the musicians). I also use the 70-200 mm F2.8 L and

earlier this year upgraded to the IS version to enable the use of

the low shutter speeds you find in concert halls.


My main word of caution to you is the very shallow depth of field

you get with this lens. On many occasions I have got the bridge

of the violin in focus but not the player's eyes, although the out of

focus effects along the length of a flute can be very attractive.


I have used the lens with the 1.4 converter to give a 200 mm f2.8.

This is a bigger handful than the 200 mm f2,8 L lens but is still

easy to use.


I can't post you any examples of images I have taken as I am on

a slow connection at home.



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