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Sports photo using Leica M6

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I was watching the Johnny Nelson v Palermo Jones fight (which was

pretty sad for a title fight and the fact Jones was robbed). At the

end of the fight when all the photogs got up on the outside of the

ring amoung all the Nikon D1x, there was a photog using a Leica M6,

red dot blaring away.


Just thought it was interesting to note the mix, 8 or 9 Nikon D1x's

and a single Leica.

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I actually think an M6 is a great camera for certain kinds of sports photography where the action is in a limited area and the photographer can get close enough. I shot dance for several years with an m6 and a 90 f2. I had great success, but went to Nikon AF when I started working large venues and needed more reach. Interestingly, AF did not improve my percentage of keepers. The one area where modern automated AF cameras beat the M6/7 hands-down is the speed with which one can get film into and out of the camera, which, lord knows, can be very important.
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Here the newspaper guy must cover several High School basketball games in one night that all play at the same time. When there are some BIG rival games; the newspaper wants a photo. His goal is to get ONE photo for each game for the next days paper. When he is at the first game; he shoots enough digital Nikon until he has a "keeper"; good enough for a one or two column wide photo. When he has his keeper; he scoots off to the next game; and gets another for it. He maybe at 3 to 4 games at one night; if the schools are close enough. <BR><BR>Staying at an entire game with any Leica; Nikon F; AF camera etc allows one to shoot the entire game; and get some key plays. Being at a game for 4 periods instead of 1/2 to 1 periods gives one 4 to 8 times the chance to get a special shot. The poor newspaper guy does have a different goal here; to get in an shoot a keeper ; and move to the next game. Just being at an entire game as a fan; and a shooter allows one to get some great shots; and the camera used many times is NOT important; what is important is just being there at the right time with a camera loaded with film.
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I worked for newspapers for 20+ years. Our definition of shooting 'quick' high

school basketball was whether you actually parked your car. A quick shoot

was when you pulled your car up to the curb outside the gymnasium *left it

running*, and then ran in and shot them coming down to the basket once.

Then you left for the next game. Shoot and scoot.

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