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Both the 40mm & 50mm MC Lenses for S2 Cameras


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<p>I have both the 40mm and 50mm MC lenses for my S2a and S2 cameras. I like these lenses, because they both have a 67mm filter size, and they're both multi-coated. As I recall, the 50mm is an f2.8, whereas the 40mm is an f4. I had the Nikkor 50mm, and it was flare city.</p>

<p>How do these later model lenses compare to earlier examples, Nikkor or otherwise? Who made them? I'm interested in finding out a little more about these lenses. </p>

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<p>Somehow I doubt Photosig is going to have a lot about old Bronica lenses.</p>

<p>Don't your lenses say Zenzanon MC?<br>

Zenzanon were made by Bronica.</p>

<p>Tony Hilton wrote the book, literally, on the older Bronicas (well, there are others). His book is <em>Bronica: The Early History and Definitive Collector's Guide.</em> He is on BUG (Bronica Users Group), which is a good resource. There are numerous knowledgeable and helpful people on there.<br>

APUG is another good source, with David Goldfarb, a moderator, quite knowledgeable on the older Bronicas.</p>

<p>That's not to discount any sources and information here.</p>

<p>BTW, some lenses were made to fit the older Bronicas by Komura, and maybe another maker. I don't know which they were.</p>

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