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where to buy soft release quickly

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<p>Hey guys I want to get a soft release. I really like the Mr.Zhou ones on ebay but I need it next week as I'm leaving on a trip early the following week. All of the ones on ebay seem to be in HK and shipping to the states seems to take like 20 days. Are there any people state side who sell these and ship quickly?</p>


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<p>I have used the chromed dome caps that are fitted to mirror screws. In the UK they are called <em>'dome coverheads'</em> but names vary: however, they are pretty commonplace around the world. They will fit <em>some</em> cameras, but not all (just like the 'OEM' ones). It's worth a try for a few pennies if you have a hardware store nearby.<br>

If you need to visualise these, they appear on <a href="http://www.hart-wholesale.com/mirror.htm">this</a> (UK) web page. </p>


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<p>I have to say that I <em>really </em>like this softie and it looks good on a black M too. It also doesn't have a problem with falling off like some others. The red satin finish matches the red dots on most Leica bodies. Dollar for dollar, it's the best upgrade I've made to my M. Also, shipping was very fast. <br>

<a href="http://www.popflash.com/mtechBOPred">http://www.popflash.com/mtechBOPred</a></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I was surprised at how natural the concave feels. I have a convex button on my Lumix and thought that I might prefer it but I am glad I went with concave. the tip of my index finger fits in it nicely and I can also lay my finger across it and shoot that way though I prefer using my finger tip.</p>

<p>Pardon the poor image. It is truly Leica-red and not orange.</p>

<p><img src="http://i790.photobucket.com/albums/yy187/teawretch/M6_with_Bop.jpg" alt="Photobucket" border="0" /></p>

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