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I am looking for a nice SLR camera


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Camera where I can shoot on an auto and switch to manual for

learning. Prefer new. I don't know much about cameras at this point

but very motivated to learn now. I am looking at some websites and I

came up with some that are at Costco :













Would you recommend any of the cameras above ? Is the price

reasonable ? Would you rather buy something else ? If so, what ?


Please help out this rookie. Thanks a lot

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go to the top of photo.net and scroll under "equipment." there are

tutorials as well as other resources. you can also search the

archive. i would suggest something cheap secondhand to play around

with to findout more about what you like. there's many brands, models

to choose. what is your budget? there's also a sale ads section here

as well.

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You're not just buying a camera. You are buying into a camera system. If you are motivated to learn, it pays to look into the pertinent aspects of each system (lens technology, selection, capabilities, etc.) because once you get a camera from a particular brand, you'll be committed to buying most of your lenses from that particular brand.
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Brian, that may be true but I don't see how it's applicable here to this question. If you are starting out with zero equipment and could afford only one system, I would certainly give considerable thought to and look for a system that will provide the features and accessories that will allow me to do what I want to do now and in the future with that format. The system that scores the highest is the winner. <p>

I would certainly never consider a system and figure on supplementing it with a third party accessory (lens, flash) as a means to fulfill a need if the need could be satisfied by another system with OEM accessories.

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No insult to Pradeep, but a person who is in the throws of making a first serious camera buy can hardly be expected to be able to evaluate all of the nuances of any of the major systems. They should read the static content, go to a store or two and find one they like, with perhaps the 50mm 1.7, a reasonable flash, simple but sturdy tripod and a zoom that might cover their most likely interest areas and play/learn for a while. Then maybe they can start thinking of moving on.
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