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B&W filter/is it multicoated?

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<p>Just got a 70-200 2.8 canon is usm 2 lens from beach camera, who offered, for twenty more dollars a 'kit' including a B&W UV filter.The salesperson said, when I asked, that it was 'SPCMH, super multi-coated". But I've just received the lens and it doesn't say anywhere on it that it is super multicoated or have any initials that could indicate that. It says B+W and Pro on it in gold letters, and seems to look a little yellowish. I had asked, when I ordered, whether he could include a heliopan filter instead, and he said no, that is what I usually use and one from amazon is 150. The B+W is listed for around 79, but the salesperson said it is 'better than' heliopan. So how good is the filter I got, is it multicoated, and how would it compare to a heliopan? thanks, Virginia</p>
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<p>If it is multicoated, it should say "MRC" either on the outside or inside rim (see photos below). If it doesn't, it isn't.</p>

<p>B+W filters are every bit as good as Heliopan, without the attitude of the official USA Heliopan distributor.</p>

<p><img src="http://www.lenstip.com/upload2/2843_b+w-mrc-slim.jpg" alt="" width="550" height="405" /></p>

<p><img src="http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/393098422/B_W_52mm_MRC_UV_010M_Brass.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="500" /></p>

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If it doesn't say MRC, it's a normal single-coated filter.

Normal Heliopan filters are single-coated as well. Heliopan SH-PMC filters are multicoated.


Quality-wise, I've always understood equivalent Heliopan and B+W filters to be equal, but I haven't used any Heliopan filters (I have some in the mail though).

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<p>It does not say MR or MRC, it just says Pro, so I guess we can assume it just has a single coating and is inferior to be used with this lens. Mike, that link is in another language, and I can not get it to translate to English...thanks, everyone, I guess I'll call Beach Camera and ask for my money back for the filter, Virginia</p>
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<p>thanks, everyone, for caring and taking the time to answer, i've called schneider, and yes, this is just a single coated filter, with such an excellent new lens, i will get the multi-coated version, there was a mistake on the website of the place i got it from, and they are refunding some money, and correcting the website, thanks again, i'm glad i caught this, and to have your help...and do you all agree with brian about single vs multi-coated or you recognize differences? thanks, virginia sustarsic</p>
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