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An (interesting) test shot and my thought about D800


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<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>It has been some time, but I still prefer photo.net as the field to discuss photography equipment!</p>

<p>This should not be another boring 'I got the Nikon D800!' (which in fact it is... :P), and I want to put my thoughts and with an interesting test shot.</p>

<p>So about the camera, my initial feeling:</p>

<p>1, As a regular D3 user, the D800 does feel cheaper, which is a bit disappointing. (but hey, it is DXXX not DX!)<br>

2, The shuttle sound is definitely weaker than D3, and I hope its quality is good. It is said that D800 uses most of D4, but I think not the shuttle curtain!<br>

3, The memory card door. All right, even my D200 is better than that! The bay door reminds me of D50! Exactly the same!<br>

4, Shuttle speed is obviously slower, which is expected. So this is a great Landscape and studio portrait camera, which, in fact is a match for its high resolution.<br>

5, The ISO performance is not bad at all, and metering system is quite good, to my first impression.</p>

<p>Now, it is the test shot and story.</p>

<p>When I was busily registering myself to the Nikon website, some insect flew into my room! :O a big big hornet or something like that!</p>

<p>I immediately put on 70-200 VRII but found it is not good enough, so micro nikkor 200mmF/4 it is! The bee is landing on the window, when I want to take more pictures, it accidentally fell into a transparent glass jar under it! I put some book on the top, then I take my time!</p>

<p>However, the jar is in round shape, and the reflection make it more difficult. Since I was eagerly registering, and so in a such hurry to play with my new camera, I took some quick picture, as uploaded here (and on my flickr).</p>

<p>I am sorry for the horrible reflection, but this is the best I can do. And the focal plane actually fell on the glass! Still, you can see the detail of this incredible insect!</p>

<p>Any comment is welcomed and please give some hints about this amazing camera! Thanks!</p>



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<p>For this picture, perhaps a $300 camera would do better than the $3000.<br>

Your shooting expertise was put aside, hoping that the D800 will do all good for you...<br>

The best camera, the best macro/micro lens, yet poor result. Technology... technology, Still ... there is some hope for human factor..:)</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I'm not going to comment on the quality of the shot - I understand about how most of the quality of an image comes from preparation beforehand ;)</p>

<p>But regarding the D800 shutter sound vs that of the D3, I have noticed that the D4 shutter sounds "softer" than the D3s (and D3) too. I prefer it actually, since my D3s sometimes sounds like there is a lot of "hitting" going on inside and makes me worry about the shutter failing (both my D3s's are approching 200,000 shots).</p>

<p>Your observations about the build quality are also interesting, and perhaps why the D800 may not considered to be a D3x replacement for a lot of Pro's...</p>

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<p>I appreciate your observations of quality touch and sound of the D800 vis-a-vis the true professional bodies. I had a similar feeling about the D700 CF card door when I first received it, as well as the in-and-out of CF cards. Yet, nearly 4 years down the road it has not been a real issue, only a perception. In fact, it is very rare to hear a tale of a worn-out shutter or other mechanics on the Dxxx series bodies. So, I am hoping the D800 concerns are just false perceptions.</p>
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<p>Thanks for your insight. The D3s memory card door is the best possible - I am not sure why its design is not incorporated elsewhere.<br>

<em><br /></em><br>

<em>"shooting macros through bottle glass is not a great idea" </em> Why not? Doing so can produce an interesting shot. But manual focus rather than AF might have worked better in this case.</p>


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<p>Thank you for all the replies guys. I admit it is a lame photo and perhaps this could be another negative example for the relationship between tech and human lol. I should have prepared somehow but I was all on the D800. Sorry!</p>

<p>I think about the memory card door again, and wondering after some bad feedback Nikon decided to make current design, similar to D50. There was report that the door could not be opened when the small handle got broken. This makes sense.</p>

<p>I really need to experiment more and discovery the uniqueness of this camera. (and MF for glass...)</p>

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