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Anyone ever "misloaded" an A-24 back?


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I purchased a used A-24 the other day, and ran some expired Velvia

through it as a test. The film was 3-4 years out of date. It was

something like 30-35^ F outside when I loaded the film.


When I delevloped the film I found that the first frames showing up

on the roll were overlapping hugely, then frames were spaced better,

then frames were maybe 1mm apart. The final 1/2 of the roll was



I notified the seller that the back seemed to need some work, then I

ran a new roll of Plus-X through it, taking it off of the camera and

marking lines at the top and bottom of the frame on frames



The framelines were spaced perfectly (and I notified the seller that

my last e-mail to him was probably in error). This leads me to

believe that I probably loaded the back improperly. I'm used to the

old "manual" 12 backs, but I've loaded A-12 and A-24 backs without

difficulty before.


Does this sound like my error, or was it something to do with old

film? If my error -- any idea what I may have done incorrectly?

Could it be something wrong with the back (doubtful)?


Thanks. Sorry if this sounds stupid, but I'd like to keep this from

happening again.

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