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Nikon Wednesday 2012: #15

Matt Laur

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<p><strong><em>Important:</em></strong> please keep your image under 700 pixels on the longest side for in-line viewing, and <em><strong>please keep the FILE SIZE UNDER 300kb</strong></em>. Note that <strong>this includes photos hosted off-site</strong> (at Flickr, Photobucket, your own site, etc).<br /><br />Are you <strong>new to this thread?</strong> The general guidelines for these Wednesday threads are <strong><a href="../nikon-camera-forum/00W7km" rel="nofollow">right here</a></strong>: <a href="../nikon-camera-forum/00W7km" rel="nofollow">http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00W7km</a>. Remember: only one image each week!</p>


<p>A happy Nikon Wednesday to everyone. I've got some marketing prints to create this week, for an upcoming event, and was going through a jewelry shoot we did a while back. It was in cooperation with several other folks - a team effort including pros from the hair, makeup, dress, modeling, jewlery, and wedding shooting universes. I was there to record jewelry. I was a long but very productive day. The brand of camera starts mattering less and less with that many other factors making or breaking the results! But I've have been at sea without a familiar Nikon body in hand. Had something glamorous in front of your gear? Share a photo!</p><div>00aFve-456999584.jpg.1a82f114cde9591c126a8782be8bf929.jpg</div>

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<p>Barn Swallow on a slick wire fence, Fort Worth, Easter Sunday.</p>

<p>Photographed hand-held from a running Kubota tractor slowly rolling toward the bird, it flew away an instant after this exposure.</p>

<p>D700 & 300/f4.0AF-S Nikkor; ISO 2000, 1/3200sec, f4.0, Jpeg/Fine, Auto WB.</p>

<p><img src="http://www.dlaab.com/photo/BarnSwallow.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>Still sorting the shots I made from the chopper yesterday, so here's one from my last trip to Cuba. For some reason I wasn't really feeling the photo mojo on that trip, but I still found a few keepers, including this group of fishermen on the Malecón in Havana.</p><div>00aFvr-457007584.jpg.ebfe0211c9e2fd9a26cc010215b39a1a.jpg</div>
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<p>I don't know, Le G., that looks pretty glamorous to me! And just a reminder to everybody that just because I mention a motivation or idea when I open the thread does NOT mean that you have to give a moment's thought to it. Post anything you like, in keeping with the thread's tradtions of Nikon gear use and a family audience. In fact, the more diverse the subject matter the better - this thread is always full of surprises, and that's one of the things I like most about it. Carry on!</p>
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<p><img src="../photo/15506092" alt="" />Good day. I missed last week but just viewed the usual very high quality of images. Mine this week is the water filtration plant in the city where I live (Candiac, Quebec) and there is nothing spectacular about the building but I caught it when it was lit beautifully (especially the leafless tree) for just a few minutes before the sun set. all the very best</p>


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<p>Definitely not too glamorous, but I got to hang out with a couple of extremely energetic labradors the other day.</p>

<p><a href=""http:/www.flickr.com/photos/39653633@N04/6913803472/"><img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5279/6913803472_6576de2a6f_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="512" /></a><br /> D200 • ISO 160 • Sigma 30/1.4 • ƒ/4.5 • 1/800th</p>

<p>Not pictured is the scene about a second later as I was taught an important lesson about not getting down to eye level with dogs. Whoever edited the Wikipedia article was not kidding around. Labs do not make good guard dogs. Thankfully the D200 is pretty well drool proofed.</p>

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<p>Good Wednesday, everybody! I already see many great shots! Alex Z., who said that retrievers are not glamorous?!<br>

For the first time in months I've managed to get away from the home-office-walk-dog routine, and managed to take several shots.</p><div>00aFwv-457027584.jpg.7779de4f8a030aa9fba2f2565852c73d.jpg</div>

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<p>This is embarrassing -- I wanted to check out my new (to me) 16-35/4 in terms of sharpness, flare, depth of focus, etc. So I took a slew of shots of these crab apple (I think...) blossoms into the sun or aslant of it, etc etc etc. I thought the ISO was on auto 200-1600. But I'd overriden it the night before and forgot to check -- it was at an insane 4000 for this sunlight. Still my lens did pretty well I think. </p>


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