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In camera jpeg from RAW


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<p> After downloading and reading the owner's manual for the new 5DIII, I am led to believe that a recently taken RAW photo can now be "played with", and a "new" jpeg copy created, "in-camera". The manual was a bit sketchy, but i think it said you can make some alterations to the RAW such as color temperature (Kelvin change). This would be of interest to me as I am essentially a "print from card" person. Seeing that most of my needs would be just slightly correcting the warm-cool Kelvin value of a shot taken in AWB (auto white balance), this would be a wonderful addition. I think this could be done very easily on the rear monitor visually, either by the overall look of the image, or if there is an object, i.e., white, in the image you could adjust the kelvin visually of the white object (on 5x or 10x enlargement), and the rest of the image would "follow suit". This would also work on any other colored object(s) you KNOW the color of. Anyone have any corroborating or non-corroborating knowledge of this ability of the 5DIII, and possibly the number of degrees K that can be altered? I've emailed Canon on this question but no answer yet. THANX.</p>
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