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SB80DX vs SB50DX with D100?


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I have a D100 and am wrestling with what flash to buy. Has anyone

used the SB50DX in addition to the SB80DX.? I am aware of the

desirability of the SB80 but I am not a pro, just an advanced amateur

who takes family photos and am interested in wildlife photog. Should

I spring for the extra couple hundred to get the best?

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You could be very happy with the SB-50DX if...


1) you don't need the higher guide number of the SB-80DX


2) you can live without swivel (which lets you bounce off the ceiling for vertical format shots, or off a wall for horizontal format shots)


3) you don't use flash all that often


Number three is in reference to the battery issue that others have already brought up. The little lithium cells used by the SB-50DX are pricey but if you only use flash once in a while and you're not shooting 100 rolls of film per year... the cost of batteries will never rise to overcome the price difference between the "50" and the "80" speedlights.


Have fun,

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If you ever intend to use a flash extender (and wild life interest tends to indicate you might), get the SB80DX. The SB50DX uses expensive batteries, has a lower guide number. Given that all the DX flashes are throwing away about half the light unless you manually set the zoom for the effective focal length of the lens, the SB50DX is even more underpowered.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I have an F100. I purchased the SB50DX and was not happy with it at all. The only advantage I can see for it is that it has an IR filter included so you can use it as a slave trigger on studio flash. But now, Nikon has the SB30 which also has that option and is about $90 less that the SB50DX. Save your cash and get the SB80DX. You will not regret it at all.
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