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Fuji X-s1 does anybody care?

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<p>Aside from the CES reports and Fujifilm press release I have seen no reviews, substantial previews, or opinion pieces of this new camera. I can believe it's overshadowed by all the other X cameras, but I'm just wondering does anybody care at all, or have any opinions on this product release. If there is one thing you can count on from the photo community it's reactions to new products. I don't entirely understand the super-zoom market segment, so myself am just confused by this product, but what do you think? </p>
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<p>A lot is unknown now, but it is a big and heavy body with a new mount spec. For anyone considering an M9, however, or with a lot of M glass, this would a first camera body to examine. Fuji has good history to pull in more customers for this body.</p>

<p>Personally, a recent NEXt interchangeable-lens choice was made after the past several years of looking over the competition options, including the X100 for a short while.</p>

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<p>Joe and Sanford,</p>

<p>I believe that you are confusing the X-S1 with the X-PRO1.</p>

<p>The X-S1 is a 26x megazoom fixed lens camera:</p>


<p>The X-PRO1 is the new interchangeable lens camera that looks something like a classic rangefinder:</p>



<p>In response to your question:</p>

<p>I think that, at least on photo.net, cameras like the X-S1 are hard for people to get excited about because it is a market segment that many of us tend to not value as much for one reason or another. The cameras are essentially as big as a DSLR, but have fewer features (typically) and do not have interchangeable lenses. I would guess that many people either figure they will spend a bit more and go DSLR or will look for something smaller or more unique if they are going for a fixed lens camera.</p>

<p>There's nothing wrong with these cameras and I know they are popular as high-end travel or "take everywhere for kid photos" cameras. But I just think that a lot of people on PN, rightly or wrongly, end up overlooking them. Perhaps we should reconsider that opinion and give them more attention.</p>

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<p>A few months ago I was considering to buy one of the superzoom-do-it-alls.<br>

I've read a lot about Nikons P500, Canons and Sonys offerings and finally decided to pass on the current choices.<br>

The X-S1 would be my pick if I was in this market again.<br>

It looks (at least on paper) well thought out and much more rugged/durable compared to its rivals. </p>


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The <i>op. cit.</i> Fred Miranda form discusses the X-Pro1, not the X-S1. Lots of discussion about the X-Pro1 on DPreview forums also. Personally I am not interested in any camera without a zoom lens, but the new sensor pattern, 6x6 blocks of R<sub>8</sub>G<sub>20</sub>B<sub>8</sub> pixels repeatedly rotated 90°, is intriguing.


I imagine that when a (promised) zoom lens comes to the X-Pro1 or successor, the framing lines in the optical viewfinder lines might adjust with the zoom.

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