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Elinchrom SPEED mode


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<p>So I just got Elinchrom FX 400 Ri lights and I read that they have what is called a SPEED mode which will allow them to sync upto 1/250th of a sec with my Nikon D300s. Now here's my question, why would I then use 'Standard' mode when 'Speed' mode allows me to sync UP TO 1/250th of a sec. Doesn't this mean I can also use 1/200th or 1/160th shutter speeds to shoot without having to switch modes. Am I way off here? Could someone please explain the difference & the pro/cons of these two available modes and where and when I would ideally use them?</p>
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<p>I suspect that "speed" mode uses a less sophisticated modulation or encoding/decoding signal between the transmitter and receiver. This might be more prone to interference and give less reliable triggering, but without having access to Elinchrom's full technical specification, that's just a guess and I might be miles off.</p>
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