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It's Officially Official (I jest)

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<p>Holy Crap batman...I just looked at the prices of nikon coolscan scanners on the big auction...I repeat...Holy Crap...so, I now declare, that it is less expensive to shoot medium format bw and scan with my V700 than it is to shoot 35mm and purchase a coolscan 35mm scanner...there...it is now OFFICIAL!</p>
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<p>The other day I was walking along in a shopping mall, and a harried-looking mom was making tracks between stores with two squabbling kids in tow. They were being Extremely Whiny. The mom was uttering a non-stop stream of admonishments about how they should be quiet, stop it, etc. They were completely ignoring her. Finally, she stopped in her tracks, wheeled around with a Gorgon-ish stare at the two kids and says, "That's it! You two are on my last nerve. <em>Officially</em>!"<br /><br />The kids instantly went pie-eyed and shut up. <br /><br />Apparently "officially" means a lot in that household.<br /><br />As for scanning hardware, well, I'm in the farm-it-out school at this point. Which, now that I think about it, might explain why I'm down to shooting film about once a year. Maybe even just on leap years.</p>
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<p>i do not know who makes these "world-chaging" decisions, but they generally wind upo with companies looking very dumb.,<br>

My favorite whine is kodak trying all those better ideas and after 50-75 years they are back to "some" 120 film and 35mm/.<br>

Nikon stoppes ?? making film scanners JUST as the real need ramped up.<br>

If you really like it someone up high will order it discontinued.<br>

I have been disgusted with GE for a while. the tuner in our RCA ( ge)<br>

tv became very flakey after the lawsuit was settled.<br>

seems they used "enviromently safe solder that caused intermittent failures<br>

the GE telephomne was covered by warranty. but no repairs were made and there was no place to send it.<br>

Now I see the president had ge's top man working for him<br>

and the head of Kodak as well.<br>

I do not want to raise the ire of the intellectual left, but where is the bail out for Kodak and why cannot the goverment fix my phone<br>

I now have a panasonic phone. and the TV is linping along with a Toshiba VCR acting as the tuner.</p>


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