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My first time selling images/copyright-please help!


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<p>I took some photos while involved in research at sea for a private organization. An affiliated organization contacted me through the CEO asking how much it would cost to "get copyright per image." To me "copyright" means all rights and I think what they meant was to quote some sort of usage fee. I'd like to remain in good favor with the company but if I can make a few bucks off the transaction, I'd be thrilled. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to figure out a fair price? Thanks for your help.</p>
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<p>What they probably want is a "license to use." The terms of that license are what you need to negotiate - do they want unlimited rights by type of publication, do they want exclusivity for some period of time, how long do they want in total, etc. The price depends on what exactly you are giving them.</p>
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<p>Good point by Steve - you may not actually own the copyright. Here's an extreme example - if you are a staff photographer working for Associated Press, and you go on holiday and take some snaps, AP own the copyright of those images. If you are not employed as a photographer your contract will probably not even consider this aspect, but it may say something about intellectual property on anything you create while performing your duties.</p>

<p>If you do own them and want to licence their use, there are calculators around for this, some of which came up in the photo.net threads recently. But there was also an article recently published about how this method of working out licencing is archaic and penalises successful clients (if its based on territorial distribution and number of copies etc). I've made all my rights-managed images available at fixed price.</p>

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