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POTW 2/5 /2012


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<p>Morning/afternoon all!<br>

OK, not really great shots but thought you all might like seeing this. I had to shoot an overnight time-lapse of this ice sculpture being assembled that was commissioned by MetLife for this year's NFL Super Bowl in Indianapolis, Indiana. Besides "babysitting" the HD Camera that was recording the 8 -9 hour assembly, I took the liberty of shooting a few shots while things moved along.</p><div>00Zy6B-439375584.jpg.64eb4b9d8c51bf91134297151689fb52.jpg</div>

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<img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7168/6821500191_5a56c49338_z.jpg" alt="" width="425" height="640" /></p>


<strong><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7026/6821505069_931eb2aa81_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="425" /></strong></p>


<strong><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7175/6821352259_0d83a28816_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="494" /></strong></p>

<p>All taken with K7 and Tamron SP 17mm f/3.5 adaptall-2 51bb<br>

<strong><br /></strong></p>

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<p>More lens testing with the 400mm F5.6 smc-m at Manitowoc, Wisconsin's Lincoln Park Zoo. All photos were taken though black chain link fence that thankfully disappeared for the most part. The photo of the wolf was the first frame taken that day. He never looked directly at me again.</p><div>00Zy81-439397584.jpg.20e2b3820c92a4a8b9937cd2d00f093e.jpg</div>
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<p>Howdy Y'all.</p>

<p> I was going to share a few of my great Meadowlark photos from this morning, but then I recalled that you *might* be more interested in what is going on in Indianapolis this week. Yes, a wee-little sporting event in town. As it happens the Giants actually practiced on our campus, the University of Indianapolis (UIndy). The students were pretty excited about the attention, but truthfully this really is a Colts town. I think 99% of the students were glad that the Patroits were practicing on the OTHER side of town. Now honestly, save one player, I have NO CLUE as to who the rest of the team is. I did get a lot of shots though (I had brought the 12-24 mm for something else, so these are all obviously cropped images). So drum roll please...<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/15116512-lg.jpg" alt="" width="496" height="424" /><br>

This is Eli (Manning) wearing his 'old man jeans'. Here are a couple more of players that I honestly don't know, maybe some of you do:<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/15116513-lg.jpg" alt="" width="617" height="318" /><br>

and still more..<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/15116514-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="344" /><br>

Again, all shot (and cropped with the 12-24 and a K7. Maybe I SHOULD have just put the bird images up instead...?</p>


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<p>It looks to me like I have a new favourite lens.<br>

<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-QZqkdNaDYiU/Ty7V0dOYmBI/AAAAAAAACkg/ax5fQ6sSupE/s720/20120205-_IGP7665-2.jpg" alt="" width="720" height="479" /><br>

K20D DA70 f2.4 1/50 f2.4 ISO400</p>

<p><img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Eb9fJkF8xNs/Ty7bL3fJhTI/AAAAAAAAClA/O-rStnBBZlo/s512/20120205-_IGP7582.jpg" alt="" width="340" height="512" /><br>

K20D FA35 f2 1/80 f4.5 ISO1600</p>

<p><img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-W2rU5KwUDbU/Ty7V0VdvRAI/AAAAAAAACkw/7ooC8LAKfRo/s720/20120205-_IGP7651.jpg" alt="" /><br>

K20D DA70mm f2.4 1/125 f2.8 ISO800</p>

<p>All taken in the Ayasofya in Istanbul. #2 interests me. Lots of people were using the light in that area to photograph each other. I just waited for the light.</p>

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<p>Henk, three stunners! I can't get enough of the DA70 myself but that shot #2 is something else. The light coming through those glass globes is gorgeous. (*I sound like Dr Seuss, don't I?)<br>

Dave, that's a nice shot. That DA21 is what I'm missing in my bag. If this new MILC is worth getting, that DA21 will be a must. The 21, 40, and 70 would make a fanstastic travel combo.</p>

<p>Bob, you always get the most beautiful colors and contrast in your shots. Superb.</p>

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<p>Took a trip to the Cloisters, a museum of medieval art, part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in upper Manhattan. Took pictures inside of some of the statuary and then, needing some air, walked out into an an outdoor courtyard.</p>

<p>The are my three:</p>


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