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I loose my photo when I crop

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<p>First of all, forgive me. I recently saw this subject here on these forums, but I'll be darned if I can find it

(now that I need it).<br>

Can someone direct me in solving the problem of loosing the photo when I attempt to crop the image in C

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<p>Don't know what program you're using, but in general if you save your file UNDER ANOTHER NAME immediately after cropping and then close the original file without saving, that should do it! Obviously, save the original file before cropping if you want to retain any edits you have made.</p>
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<p>Proof requires evidence. Even if the portrayal of the postings were accurate, there is no evidence offered to show why there are no further responses. There could be many reasons. One was already been discussed. It is unclear what the ambiguous question being asked is actually about. Maybe you supplied an answer to the intended question. Maybe Dug is busy. We don't know.</p>


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<p>Actually, I deserve the responses that have been posted. This is what I get for attempting to post an actual problem when I am dead tired and not checking what I posted.<br>

I am using Photoshop CS5. Recently, when trying to crop a photo, the image goes blank. I can hit CTRL+Z and the original appears again. I assume it must be something in "preferences", but I can't find it.<br>

I should have posted this earlier. I'm not getting much computer time as of late. <br>

Thank you.</p>

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<p>Have you left some odd values in the "width" and "height" boxes of the crop toolbar? For example if they are set to 1 px, the image will be reduced to a single pixel and would seem to have disappeared altogether. Click on "clear" in the toolbar to remove any entered values - PS retains the last values entered, which can be useful but it can lead to errors if you are not careful.</p>
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