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Only 20 posts are displayed on this forum

jack flannery

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<p>What do you mean by posts? Do you mean new topics started by individuals in a particular forum or do you mean responses to one particular question.</p>

<p>The "My Workspace" change only affects the number of replies you see in any individual post/topic. (I agree the wording on that option could be improved.) The number of posts/topics you see in a forum is not something users can customize (as far as I know). You can, however, change the sort order of the forums to "last post" from the default of "thread creation"</p>

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<p>There is a rather boring explanation why the forum operates this way. But in short, it only shows threads from XX number of days. I have increased that date range in order to show more threads.</p>

<p>Going forward, I am looking for ways to change the display system so that it operates more like other forum packages and just shows all threads.</p>

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<p>Showing posts only going back x-number of days, or weeks, makes sense..... assuming the forum was active. Anyone who checks this forum on a daily basis goes through stretches of time seeing no change to the newest post at the top. It's been just short of comotose around here for a while now.</p>
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<p>Showing posts only going back x-number of days, or weeks, makes sense..... assuming the forum was active. Anyone who checks this forum on a daily basis goes through stretches of time seeing no change to the newest post at the top. It's been just short of comotose around here for a while now.</p>


<p>If nobody is posting, then there is nothing for the system to display. New threads or threads with new replies pop to the top (unless you have your preferences set so that doesn't happen).</p>

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