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w/nw -A Favorite Medium Format Picture from 2011


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<p>Happy New Year to All! Well another year gone by. Looking back, post a favorite medium format picture from this past year. Tell us a bit about it and the gear you used.</p>

<p>This swamp scene was taken in the early morning in Clearwater, Florida near the botanical gardens. I had to be mindful of the large alligators that patrol these waters.</p>

<p>Mamiya Super 23 (6x9), Mamiya-Sekor 100mm f/2.8, Fuji Pro S 160 </p><div>00Znvn-429215684.jpg.d28929cb8df3ffcda06817efc312da44.jpg</div>

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<p>Not a landscape, really, as the focus is on the meditating man, overlooking Sedona AZ. A great spot for meditation... the photo helps bring me back to the feel of that place and moment as a focus for my own thoughts.<br>

Last June with 70mm Summarit on S2.</p><div>00Znyc-429259584.jpg.a265f4f18960f331c0180bc38a9f7f98.jpg</div>

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<p><a href=" P645_75_Portra400_Scan-110604-0039 title="P645_75_Portra400_Scan-110604-0039 by ruby.monkey, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3563/5809383033_53aaf25ce6_z.jpg" width="640" height="473" alt="P645_75_Portra400_Scan-110604-0039"></a><br>

Walking with my eldest son (in the cycling helmet) and his best friend in nearby woods, and trying the new Portra 400 for he first time.


Pentax 645n, 75mm f/2.8 FA, Portra 400, and an insatiable desire for bugs.</p>

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<p>I just got into medium format this year when I finally bought Mamiya 645 Pro. I think I have way too high threshold to actually shoot with it, over thinking each shot - is the shot worth it or not. And I usually end up thinking that the shot is not worth it. This is a problem I need to overcome this year, and just to start having fun with it.<br>

This one is from my first test roll, shot with Mamiya 645 Pro, 150mm f/3.5 N & Fuji Pro 160 NS. (scanned from a print, no access to MF neg scanner yet...)</p>

<p><strong>Playtime is over</strong></p>


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<p>Pentax 67II, SMC Pentax 67 45 mm. Velvia 100F. Two exposures blended in PS: one at f/4, 45 minutes focused at infinity, about an hour after sunset; second for the foreground, 3 minutes at f/8 focused at 3 m, multiple flashes. This is the only image I made using medium format in 2011. I enjoyed this shooting occasion very much.</p><div>00Zpts-431299684.thumb.jpg.17480b8a1515f7a2848139cd030dae47.jpg</div>
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<p>I could pick from some decent landscapes, or some ok astrophotos, or loads of shots of my two daughters, but for a change I'm going with one of their friends from a few doors down the road. I just asked her to smile for a moment while they were all playing together outside.<br>

Mamiya 645AFD, Kodak DCS Proback 645M, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, and the lens was the manual focus Mamiya 80/1.9 at either f1.9 or f2.8. (DOF is so thin that when viewed at full resolution, her left eye is in noticeably sharper focus than her right!)</p><div>00ZqST-431837584.jpg.722c5266fd2ebb05836a6e697a463da2.jpg</div>

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