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Hasselblad Flextight X1 vs. X5 (646/848 vs. 949)

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<p>I'm about to upgrade my Coolscan V and Epson V750 to a Hasselblad Flextight Scanner.<br>

If money was no object I would go straight for the X5, but unfortunately money IS an object, so I might go with the X1.<br>

My question is, what is the real world difference between the X1 and the X5 (batch scanning aside)?<br />Especially the light diffusor in the X5. Are the scans so much different or are there only subtle differences?<br>

I'm a bit biased because the LED light source in my coolscan makes even Portra 400 (35mm) almost unusable.<br />I know that the X1 will treat the grain a bit harsher than the X5, but is it as bad as with the coolscans? </p>

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<p>Quite a <em>jump</em> U're trying to make, Daniel... But then of course <em>"unfortunately money IS an object"</em>. Between what U have and what U're aiming for I'd consider the Coolscan 9000 which is equipped with a light diffuser as well. Makes for quite a difference, as I found out recently (in practice not just theory), albeit still with <em>only</em> 4000 dpi. But if U could somehow manage, go for the X5. Or a used Imacon, of which several came with diffusers.</p>
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<p>Yeah I know, it's quite a jump.<br>

Already thought about the Coolscan 9000, but there are quite a lot of disadvantages:<br>

- aren't produced anymore<br>

- prices are double what they used to be (totally crazy - about 5.500€ for a new one here in Germany)<br>

- "only" 4000dpi (so no step up for 35mm film which I still shot a lot)<br>

- kind of flimsy film holders (or the need to use glasplates for curled negatives)<br>

- etc...<br /><br /><br>

The X1 would cost me about 6000€ (effectively - after taxes), so this might be the best option.<br>

The only thing I would like to know is how much the difference between the X1 and X5 is regarding grain structure.</p>

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