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How do you calle this effect?


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<p>It's like make-up -- if you can tell it's there, there's a good chance that there's too much of it.<br>

You are not alone in liking the effect, and on occasion it can be very effective.</p>

<p>Ask the person responsible, for sure -- there are many paths in Photoshop to such an end.</p>

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<p>You use HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography to create the photograph. There are countless posts on Photo.net about the subject. HDR has been around for awhile, to create this photograph you need to take about 5 photographs at different brackets such as and I am only speculating because I didn't take that photograph. Stops +3...+2...+1...0...-1...-2...-3 more than likely took this at in between +2 +1 0 -1 and -2 then there are several software products on the market that will combine the 5 or so photographs into one and let you add an effect to create the photograph. The photograph using HDR is a post production creation. Ask the photographer how he did it, being a Photo.net member I bet he will be very excited to hear from you and be happy to share.</p>
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<p>No, Duane, I think we can be quite sure that the photographer didn't use multiple exposures on this shot. There is absolutely no way a bunch of kids in active play would have remained stationary between the multiple exposures needed for traditional HDR. OTOH, there are quite a few techniques, plugins, etc. that can produce Draganized, HDR, and similar tone-mapped looks with a single image. For example, scroll all the way to the bottom of this page: http://www.mediachance.com/hdri/index.html</p>


<p>Tom M</p>

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<p>As Bob said, send a message to the "photographer" and <a rel="nofollow" href="../community/send-message?receiver_id=5128275">ask him</a>.</p>


<p>Michael, do we really need the quotation marks? It's a photograph, and it's been processed. That's all.</p>

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It looks cool!


Flash was used camera right. The flash helped freeze the movement of the people and the water. The image looks

to have been shot at night, hence the dark shadow to the right. Post-processing? I have no idea. Whatever was used

is outside of my experience. Definitely not HDR.

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