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In Praise of the Nikon F100


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<p>I love my the F100, and feel it compliments my D700 well, except for one thing...<br>

The darn shutter and aperture dials on the F100 are WAY stiffer than the D700. That alone makes the two cameras feel a little alien to each other.<br>

But I do love that F100.</p>

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<p>Just came across this thread not long after receiving a very nice Nikon F5! I think modern AF film cameras hold the best of both worlds of digital and film. You get all the convenience, technology and ergonomics of the modern nikons, but with the subtleties of film. Here are some photos I've gotten back from nepal...</p>

<p><img src="http://www.duncandheff.co.uk/Photo/76120009a_small.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="530" /><br>

Nikon F6 + 50/1.4D Fuji Superior 200<br>

<img src="http://www.duncandheff.co.uk/Photo/76110014a_small.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="530" /><br>

Nikon F6 + 35/2D Fuji Superia 200<br>

<img src="http://www.duncandheff.co.uk/Photo/76140006a_small.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="530" /><br>

Nikon F6 + 85/1.8D Fuji Superia 400 (I think)</p>

<p>The Nikon F5 seems to be a lovely piece of kit. Unfortunately, I can't get over the fact the AE-L button doesn't hold for a while after it's pressed - it needs to be kept pressed, which doesn't help me as I like to use the AF-ON button, and I don't have two thumbs! Does anyone know if the F100 or F80 is any different in this regard?<br>

Happy shooting!</p>


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