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Adobe CS5 Lens Blur Filter not working with Apple Snow Leopard

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<p>I just love applying the Lens Blur Filter to introduce some limited depth of field in some over-sharp pictures of mine. I have done this successfully many times within Adobe CS4 in my latest Apple McPro with OS Snow Leopard. However, after upgrading to CS5 I find that the Lens Blur Filter does not work anymore as it should. There are two problems with it now:<br />(1) The preview does not work properly any more. When increasing the "Radius" in the menu, the whole picture on the screen is getting unsharp, not only the part un-shaded by the mask. <br />(2) After applying the un-sharpening, the transition between the masked area and the un-masked area is not clean, as it used to be. There is always a halo in the unsharp section, where color and luminosity of the still sharp section have bled over. I still have the CS4 version in my computer and can see the difference, when applying the filter with exactly the same parameters in both program versions. <br />I will try to include two pictures, the first from CS5 and the second from CS4, to show you the difference in outcome. You will have to increase the size of the two pictures to see the difference clearly.<br /> Does anyone in the community experience similar issues and/or have found out any remedies for it. Updating CS5 has not helped.</p><div>00Zd7P-417173584.jpg.a5fa90026ecc1f621303f74832f3f814.jpg</div>
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<p>If nobody can give you the solution my suggestion comes from when I oversharpened and then went around with a one or two pixel clone tool and copied adjacent good pixels up close to and to cover the 'white' edge. Good you still have CS4.</p>
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<p>I never ran CS4 or Snow Leopard, but I can report that preview seems to work fine, and I can see no halo in using Lens Blur in CS5.5 on Lion, FWTW.</p>

<p>I always sort of thought that Snow Leopard has many of the 'problems' of Lion without many of the benefits, so I skipped that one. I didn't see any problems with Photoshop CS5 on Leopard, before I upgraded the system, but this is a feature I usually accomplish by other means.</p>

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<p>How are you making your selection? It seems to me you have a funky setting in the Refine Edge panel set and saved.</p>

<p>Here is a crop of a test of Lens Blur done in CS5 on Snow Leopard with no Refine Edge settings, as you can see there is zero ghosting and in the preview only the selection blurred, but I wasn't working on layers.</p>

<p>andrew and JDM,</p>

<p>On a MBP running Snow Leopard CS5 runs so much faster than CS4 I can't quite believe it. I kept increasing file sizes until I could get the big filters to slow down enough to measure them. Once I got up to a 1.5GB image file it took 4 seconds to apply a smart sharpen, with CS4 that same action on the same file took over 30 seconds. I am very happy with Snow Leopard and CS5, I kept CS4 but haven't opened it since.</p><div>00ZdaR-417657584.jpg.54b8b85e32d3b353a3ad4da63b079db2.jpg</div>

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<p>No Scott, I did not do any fancy refine edge stuff; as far as I can see from the original file, the mask edges are quite sharp and well-defined. Please note also, that the CS4 version shows a sharp cut-off between the blurred and unblurred regions, whereas CS5 does not. I have had this problem with many a document before, and usually work with sharp mask borders without CS5-introduced edge refinements. </p>
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