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<p>Since I'm still kicking myself for not purchasing the Pentax 18-270 a few years ago or the Tamron version, I've had itches to buy new lenses. In May, I bought a Pentax 55-300 and a Tamron 10-24, and I'm glad I did. The 55-300 is rarely off my camera and the 10-24 is a lot of fun. I just received my third lens, a Rokinon 85mm 1.4.<br /> I played with it briefly and then said to myself, Oh no, I've got a 90mm f/2.8 macro, did I really need this lens (especially since I bought the 90mm for dual duty - macro and portrait)? So I did a test with my 55-300 f/4, my 90mm f/2.8 and the 85mm f/1.4 on my K10D. The results were thus:<br /> 55-300 @63mm f/4 (max aperture) 1/20th of a sec<br /> 90mm f/3 (2.8 max aperture) 1/30th<br /> 85mm f/1.4 (max aperture) 1/125<br>

<br /> So I've gained 2-2½ stops and much better bokeh. The lens sits like a stone in my left hand, balancing quite nicely on the K10D. Handholding shots will actually be easier because of the weight.<br>

I'm a happy camper.<br>

<br /> Here are the shots -sorry for the tungsten color cast:</p>

<p>Pentax DA 55-300@63mm f/4 1/20</p>

<p> </p><div>00ZcnS-416909584.jpg.5b4b1eb9fa6c241219ba50b0d98c4d86.jpg</div>

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