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Best raw converter for NEF on OSX and Nikon's silence

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Due to a few problems with my iMac, Apple replaced it with a new one. I'm pleased that they did, however, Capture NX2 is not compatible with Lion.<br>

There are a few people claiming that NX2 works on Lion - I don't see how this is possible as Lion does not support Rosetta which is required for NX2 to work. I can't even install it let alone use it.<br>

I am tired of waiting for Nikon to even make a formal statement about the future of this package let alone actually release something.<br>

I've tried using Photoshop Elements 9 but NEFs just don't look the same as the results from NX2.<br>

My questions then;<br>

Is there a raw converter that I can use that will allow me to convert NEF files as well as NX2 converts them?<br>

Do the people at Nikon look at the forums? Can't they give us an estimate of when NX2 (or 3) will be ready, or, tell us that they they are not interested and will hand everything over to NIK?<br>

Sorry for the rant :)<br>



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<p>I haven't upgraded to Lion, but Capture NX2 is an Intel application. So is Capture NX. From the research I've done, it seems that CNX2 will run on Lion IF you have it installed in SL and upgrade the os from the app store, but that there are issues if you start with Lion and do a clean install of CNX2. <br>

Yikes. <br>

That also makes you wonder about interim updates and such. <br>

I haven't updated to Lion on my MBP as I'm waiting for a real refresh (Ivy Bridge or bust!) next spring. In any case, I'd second the recommendation to downgrade to SL, install CNX2, and then perhaps attempt a Lion install on top of that. If it doesn't work, just back track to SL.</p>

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<p>Have you tried the Phocus program from Hasselblad? The current version is 2.6.5.<br /> Download at http://www.hasselbladusa.com<br /> It's free, although you must register at the site. You do not need to be a Hasselblad owner to use the program.</p>

<p>This is an excellent program, providing most of the manipulation tools required for professional photo rendering.</p>

<p>It's fully Lion compatible, and supports Nikon NEF and many other raw formats as well as native Hasselblad files.</p>

<p>- Leigh</p>

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<p>Hi Guys,<br>

Thanks for the responses.<br>

I don't want to go back to Snow Leopard if I can avoid it - but will if I can't find an alternative. The problem with NEF is that Nikon haven't revealed all there is to know about handling NEFs and as a result users have an advantage over all other packages when it comes to converting these files. I'll try Phocus though and see how it works out.<br>

A few people on Photo.net have said that they've got NX2 t work on Lion - I just don't see how it's possible :) I guess I'll have to try it for myself if I can't find another way. Suppose I'm trying to avoid further annoyance.<br>

Thanks again Guys.<br>







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<p>or maybe just upgrade to Lightroom and live happy.. 4-5min to download, 1min to install... in the next 10-15min you are up and running with a big smile ; )</p>

<p>no fuzzy upgrade, no downgrade / upgrade that will take you the weekend to set up.... a simple and quick credit card xmas gift in advance ; )</p>

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<p>NX2 renditions are different from ACR renditions, granted. But, relying on Nikon software is such a PITA to start with, that I've learned to use Lightroom, and not look back. That also means no waiting around until Nikon decides to upgrade their software to support newer OSen. Say what you want about Adobe, and yes, there's plenty to say, they do a far better job of being current than Nikon does. Besides, you can go into LR and tweak those orangish reds that you don't see in NX2, because LR offers a lot of control. Throw in some Nik plugins and you'll have LR dancing circles around NX! ;o)</p>
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