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Mobile version of photo.net...check it out!


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<p>I like it! Would there be some way to establish a favorites tab at the top of the page to create a one touch link to favorite forums, galleries, etc, instead of having to cycle through the site. Just a thought. Other than that, I love it!</p>


<p>That might be possible, I'd have to look into it. In your opinion, would that be an advantage over just having bookmarks in your browser? And if it would be, how so?</p>

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<p>Hi Josh.<br>

Lovely job so far. I've viewed on both my Android phone last night and Ipad this a.m. with both looking slick. Any plans on adding the 'Active Forum Threads' or starred sticky threads at the top again? For example the Wednesday Photo thread.<br>

At present they are missing from the head of the list of Nikon threads page.</p>

<p>On my Ipad the taps don't flash when you hit them like on the full version pages. I always liked the 'confirmation' flash.<br>

Will this new version load up faster in the phone as in the past it was a bit of a wait when trying to show a colleague a great image?</p>

<p>At this early stage I have nothing but admiration otherwise.</p>

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<p>That's fine, Josh.</p>

<p>I will just have to turn off mobile then. And download the site as usual on cell. Using the same cell network and Internet speeds I am accustomed to.</p>

<p>It is all the extraneous ads, and waiting for their multitude of connections, over on the sidebar, and what not, that slow the full site down on cell. Not the image sizes.</p>

<p>90% of my viewing of this site is on cell. Half of that is on Wi-Fi, connection speed is not really an issue, honestly. 300kb-ish images are going to easily equal all the extraneous stuff on a page download.</p>

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<p>It would be a sad day if Photonet ends up being the recipient of phone camera photos of the quality of Facebook. :(<br />Although I am guilty of two such images in my portfolio. I guess the site will gravitate to the masses, if the masses want to park their snaps here then so be it. Personally I would prefer a special place where the phone snaps should only be uploaded to. This is another discussion though.<br /> I know dSLR images can be downloaded from my card to an ipad, but then uploaded from there? I've never tried it.</p>
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I was taken to it automatically last night on my iPhone. Very nice, though I'm not sure why it seems to keep "refreshing".


In case nobody mentioned, though, the "Tripods, Filters & Accessories" link from the mobile site gets me to a 404 error page. If I use the non-mobile site, and click on the forum link to that same forum, it pulls up the mobile version just fine. Looks like just a link error.


Keep up the good work!

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<p>In case nobody mentioned, though, the "Tripods, Filters & Accessories" link from the mobile site gets me to a 404 error page. If I use the non-mobile site, and click on the forum link to that same forum, it pulls up the mobile version just fine. Looks like just a link error. Keep</p>



<p>Just a missing "s" in the URL. Thank for for the heads up and I'll get it fixed ASAP.</p>

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I clicked on the "always show full version of the site" but now can't seem to find the toggle that's supposed to be there to

go back to the mobile version. Can you help? It's probably right under my nose as they say.


Atomic Web browser on iPhone 4. (Safari is still showing the mobile version, but I'm afraid to experiment with changing it.)

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<p>Mobile version is awesome on my iPhone 3GS. Only suggestion is fonts in forum postings could be a little larger though. Hard to read small and mobile version doesn't allow expanding view. Still, I like how everything lines up and it supports vertical and horizontal reorienting the phone.<br>

And I really like, if I want to I can still view PN the old way by not putting in the m., I hate websites that force mobile devices to only view in mobile.<br>

Great work, really like what you've come up with!</p>


Cheers, Mark
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<p>I like the functionality on my iPhone 4, but forum threads with titles longer than the screen don't wrap, they just get cut off. Same with images displayed inline in threads. The regular text wraps just fine, it's just the titles and images that weren't showing up properly.</p>
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<p>I like the functionality on my iPhone 4, but forum threads with titles longer than the screen don't wrap, they just get cut off. Same with images displayed inline in threads. The regular text wraps just fine, it's just the titles and images that weren't showing up properly.</p>


<p>Can you give me an example of a specific thread where you are seeing this?</p>

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