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FD 50mm F/1.4 lens focus ring catching


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<p>I sold a FD 50mm F/1.4 breech mount to a gentleman a few days ago. The lens had never give me issues in the past prior to selling.<br>

The buyer (Thomas) has indicated to me this evening the focus ring is not functioning correctly. I of course feel badly, but not sure how to handle things. So for a first step, I am checking here to see if this is a common issue and what it might be. Obviously the seller would like a solution to fix the issue. <br>

You can look at the video below that he posted for an illustration of what is happening. Thanks in advance for any advice you might have.<br>

<a href="http://vimeo.com/30570856">http://vimeo.com/30570856</a></p>

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<p>So the lens will not turn all the way to infinity? Are you sure this is your lens? ask him to show you the serial number as he does the twisting. I would say if the lens does not go all the way to infinity then there is a possibility the lens has been taken apart and not put back together correctly.<br>

The only other thing I can think of if it was jarred very hard during shipping.<br>

If it will continue to infinity there is a possiblity that the screws under the rubber ring are loose?</p>


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<p>I'm the guy who bought it.<br /> It is the same lens. I haven't taken it apart or anything either.<br /> When I first got it, it turned to infinity, but I could hear it grinding as it reached the end. The grit or dirt now seems to have migrated to the 7-15 ft markers.<br /> At the moment it's completely stuck at the 15 ft mark. I don't want to force it and end up breaking it, so I'm unsure of what to do at this point. I'm guessing that if the dirt were removed the problem would be fixed, but my skill set is nowhere near that advanced.</p>
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<p>Mark, thanks for your response. I am certain the buyer is honest, no issue there. <br>

What is bothersome is I used the lens, maybe ten times for wedding shoots, never an issue. Movement of the focus ring to inifinity, never an issue. If it was damaged during shipment, I cannot know.<br>

Lens had the nicest movement, typical Canon FD quality. I didn't care for the lens on my particular camera, but as far as focus, the focus was a joy to use, so smooth.</p>

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<p>Thomas we were posting simultaneously, it appears. I'm anxious to see if anyone else has a thought. Mark, your ideas about the buyer were of course appropriate not knowing, but I had to smile. <br>

The guys on the forum that we met are the best, it reminds me how lucky I am to have these places. </p>

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<p> these lenses are too tough</p>


<p>Jeff, it's an old lens, stuff happens. Good on you for stepping up and doing the right thing. Tom, let us know how you resolve the issue. It would be interesting to hear from a tech to the final diagnosis.</p>

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<p>Lets see, I have that exact lens right here in front of me. Actually 3 of them for my AE-1 programs. I'll go with Don's idea, since mine all work smoothly. Perhaps when you shipped it, the lens got some dirt in there, or maybe the person you sold it to caused the problem such has shooting in a sandy environment. I have had mine all out at the beach and have never had the sandy problem myself. You never know with customers. If you sold it with eBay then you need to get it fixed before the customer gives you a negative feedback since that is what people do when they are unhappy on ebay. If you didn't use eBay to sell it you maybe able to instruct him to using the file card to see if he can remove any foreign matter. Or you could if it is worth it, have him send it back and take the lens to a local camera shop and get a price on professional cleaning of it for the customer. Or just give him his money back and let him keep the lens and he can go and get it repaired.</p>



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