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Software w/Full Screen mode & Ratings

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<p>I'm looking for some free or demo software which should be:<br>

1. Light on CPU/RAM - it needs to run on an old laptop<br>

2. Full screen mode where the image fills the screen ENTIRELY (assume the image is sized for the screen).<br>

3. I need to be able to rate and sort/view by the rating (i.e. 1 to 5 stars).<br>

Any suggestions? Thank you in advance!</p>

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<p>You can remove all margins in LR only when viewing images as a slideshow, but I doubt that you can do your rating/sorting in that mode. But you say, it’s too slow anyway.</p>

<p>For this type of task I used to use an iView Media, which has been bought by Phase 1 and is now called <a href="http://www.phaseone.com/en/Software/Media-Pro/Whats-new.aspx">Media Pro 1</a><br>

There are other similar cataloging utilities such as the popular <a href="http://www.acdsee.com/">ACDSee</a> that can probably do what you want.</p>

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<p>I use Lightroom as a DAM and picture database tool regulary but I find it too slow for full screen picture browsing. For reviewing, sorting and rating I use FastPictureViewer PRO. It's 32 and 64-bit image viewer for Windows 7, Vista and XP and comes with codecs. It's a very fast and a very useful piece of software and is a very good suplement to Lightroom. You can import ratings form FastpictureViewer to Lightroom or PS via the XMP sidecars. I use it for ad hoc slide presentations too. I think that there is a free version which works with jpegs only. Look at: <em><cite>www.<strong>fastpictureviewer</strong>.com</cite></em><br>

Regards, Marko </p>

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<p>"Does it have a full screen mode that shows only the image without any borders?" Yes, you have the option "full screen". You can also assign left and right mouse button to 100% and 200% or something else, so you can browse prictures at full screen with preset magnification and compare details. This way you can choose the best picture in series. If you let go the button on the mouse you are in full screen fit the picture mode again. It's quick and without flicker.<br>

<br />Regards, Marko</p>

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<p>fastpictureviewer is a good tool, i use it on my little net book when i was traveling (i now have a macbook air 11iunch instead.. wayyyyyyyy more powerfull, so i can install Lightroom)</p>

<p>and yes you can have Lightroom set to full screen by simply pressing the Tab key.. all menu will disapear leaving only the image. And by pressing also F on your keyboard you can toggle to different window style.</p>

<p>And yes, you can label and rate your image in that view.</p>

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<p>PhotoLine is your future:</p>


<p>Costs only 60 US$, handles 48 bit color depth, offers full screen editing, comes with a very small footprint and is around 30 mb to download (for a Mac, Windoze version is around 18 mb).</p>

<p><a href="http://toyotadesigner.wordpress.com/2011/04/06/48-bit-or-16-bit-per-channel-image-editing-for-the-rest-of-us/"><strong>Article here</strong></a></p>


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