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NEW! Would love your Constructive Criticism


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<p>Well, I see some major information missing, so like where in the world are you? No service area, no city, county, state, province, prefecture, country or continent.<br>

Putting in your telephone number and a real email address instead of a fill in the form page might help as well.<br>

Your flash page is slow to load, so I didn't even look at it.</p>


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<p>Good points Bob.<br>

I do see your phone & location info on the bottom of your pricing page in your html but it's not a bad idea to include that info in your header or something so it's right in your face.<br>

Also you need a call to action, something that tells me what I need to do next; "call me now" etc.<br>

<a href="http://bweissphotography.com/">http://bweissphotography.com/</a></p>

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Hi Brittany, we must be neighbors—I'm in Eagle River too.


So a few annoyances on the website:


The first page: there is a link that says "Proudly Serving All of Alaska." When you click on it, a new

window opens and reloads the home page. Now I have the same site open in two windows for no

reason (that I can fathom).


The first page, related to the above: why, when I click on the link 'website' does it have to open in a

new window. My workspace gets cluttered quickly.


The first page: why do we need the first page at all? It doesn't seem to offer the user very much other

than a link to FB and a link called 'website.' If I've clicked a link or typed your URL, clearly I want to go

to your website, why put in an extra step with a link 'website' before I can see anything.


Your main gallery pages has "home" as the title. This is a lost opportunity to capture search engine

traffic. You should put some thought into all your page titles. They are important to search engines.


The virtual tour section is kind of a disaster. I click it and get a page with two links. When I click those

links, I get a popup window with another single line of text as a link directing me to a third-party site. It's

not particularly elegant and quite confusing. I didn't look a the third party site, but I suspect you'll have

better luck if you can find a way to incorporate this work into the primary site.


In general the editing is very broad. You've got pictures of ducks mixed with kind of random landscapes

mixed with weddings and kids. There are a lot of very focused wedding/family shooters in Anchorage.

You should look at their sites—they focus on weddings, families and nothing else. If you want to show

real estate photos and duck photos, I would consider a second website, because in it's current state

you are diluting your message and very possibly turing away some of your core audience.


Good luck—maybe I'll bump into you at Kaladi Brothers sometime.

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<p>Testing a site is an important and integral step before paying for and launching a site. Yet it is often overlooked and seldom done extensively across different platforms, browsers, window sizes, etc. Web designers should include such testing as part of their service, and say so in their promotions and contracts. But few do. I would not hire one that does not do so.<br /> <br /><br /><a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.luminous-landscape.com/forum/index.php?topic=41252" target="_blank">http://www.luminous-landscape.com/forum/index.php?topic=41252</a></p>
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