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What lens to keep, AIS 50/1.4 or 50/1.8?


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Do you need the (slightly) wider aperture very often? If not, I'd sell the f/1.4 since it will bring in more cash.


The two lenses are close enough in optical quality that any difference may be due as much to sample variation as to lens formula.


If I were in the position of having to sell off a lens or two, I'd probably sell the f/1.4 unless I REALLY needed the extra 2/3 stop.


I hope this helps.



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So what can you get for your 50/1.8, about the price of a couple of L37c(s)? For the 50/1.4 you�ll get three but they are damn good lenses so keep them both and economize somewhere else. If you must get rid of one I�d lose the 50/1.4. If you had a 50/1.8 and were thinking of buy a 50/1.4 I'd say don't bother.


That�s my 2¢

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I would keep the 50/1.8, while people bag out the 50/1.4, there is usually nothing but praise heard for the 50/1.8.


The 1.8's front element is slightly smaller so possibly better sheilded from stry light, so you do not need the extra bulk of the lens hood which I find important on the f1.4.


Focusing acuracy is really the same, maybe even leaning towards the slower lens as on my F4s with a K screen in dim light the split image tends to disappear completely making focusing sometimes frustraiting.


Lastly the 1.8 is smaller in length and lighter. Two factors which are important to me, but if you want to try small, get a 50/2, you don't neeed a hood, and the optics are superb.





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The 50 1.4 is the lens always shown with Nikon (advertising). It may be a toss up as to which is best.....but the 1.4 is 2/3rds of a stop faster FOR FOCUSSING! A brighter image means more precise focus in a SLR (not, of course, auto focus). This doesn't matter on a beach or sunny day....but if your'e inside and the light is low.......Keep the 1.4.
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