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Gripe about Canon 7D

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<p>I love this camera! I has to date done everything I have needed it to, however I have a gripe about one particular thing. I shoot quite a few models, so I shoot about 80% of the time in vertical. I do use a vertical grip, and that really has nothing to do with this issue. I wish they would have put a lock button on the control dial on the left side of the camera. When the camera is resting in my left hand, I will inadvertently rotate the camera from the mode I am shooting in, talk about a real pain mid shoot!</p>
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<p>Oh you mean it changes the settings! Yes, I have had that happen. No answers here for you, I just check more often after a few screw ups. Don't ask me how, but I even seem to manage to change the ISO settings when handling heavy lenses! lol<br>

I thought at first you meant auto-rotate happened, which I never have on. ;)</p>

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<p>I have the Canon 60D it locks but I also remember a lot of noise about the lock button being a pain for some photographers so maybe the 7D doesn't have that because of the complaining people did on Canon's website about a locking mode dial. <br /> If you are working all the time in vertical maybe this option will be what you are interested in?<br /> <a href="http://www.dpreview.com/news/2010/12/1/canonmodedial5dmkii7d">http://www.dpreview.com/news/2010/12/1/canonmodedial5dmkii7d</a></p>

<p>What Robin says is a doable deal!</p>

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<p>Here is a link to Canon US regarding the <a href="http://usa.canon.com/cusa/consumer/products/cameras/slr_cameras/eos_7d?pageKeyCode=prdAdvDetail&docId=0901e02480245968">5DII/7D Locking Mode Dial Modification</a>. Opinion is very much split on this mod's utility and whether it is necessary.</p>

<p>I had my 7D done earlier this year, and I don't regret it one bit. Prior to having it done, it was a nearly random choice of what mode - Av, Tv, M, etc. - the 7D was in when I pulled it from my bag!</p>

<p>It was easy for me, as I live only a dozen or so miles from Canon's NJ service center. I dropped it off on a Friday, and picked it up on the following Tuesday. $100 + tax, and (I presume) return shipping would apply if you can't pick up.</p>

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<p>My old Nikon El had a similar setup for ASA and once you got used to it, it worked perfectly.<br>

I would prefer something like that on my 5D Mk2 as it is far too easy to rotate the mode dial when handling the camera. I try and use custom setting C3 now as at least the mode dial can only rotate in one direction. </p>

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<p>I'd highly recommend the lock button being installed. I was flipping back and forth between my D700 and 7D for some formals after a wedding. We were on a bridge on the shore and I flipped ameras and moved the mode dial from A to M. The M settings meant I was overexposed by about 5-6 stops. If I'd been using color neg film in my F5, I could have rescued them. But in this case, I ran through about a dozen to 15 shots as we were moving until I noticed the odd exposure rating. I lost all of those shots because of it. I was fine because of almost the same shots on the D700....but I hate losing shots to stuff like this.</p>

<p> </p>

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