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Newbie: seeking creative workaround to ttl prob-


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<p>Grateful for your (patient and forgiving) advice.</p>

<p>I rarely use flash. I own a <a href="http://www.adorama.com/MZ36351CA.html">Metz 36 AF-(4)C</a>, which I use on occassion with an off-camera shoe cord. Works great.</p>

<p>I'm making some portraits, heavy on the <a href="http://images.artnet.com/artwork_images/423991310/243458.jpg">chiaroscuro</a>. Just a few facial highlights and garment features. I need to get the flash close to the sitters. I can get ttl control with a cord, but a long wire is cumbersome. I'm thinking: buy a cheapo wireless trigger, shoot full blast and use a variable ND fader to mitigate the flash at full power. (The 36m Gn on the Metz ain't so huge, and I find myself shooting at 3/4 power quite often when shooting flash.)</p>

<p>I'm thinking ND-filter mostly because my subjects will be photographed out doors and in some day light. To minimize the appearance of background, I'll shoot stopped way down and at flash sync speed. An ND filter should allow me to open up some, giving some dof leeway.</p>

<p>(Heading off the good advice about buying a speedlite, etc.: Like I said, I use flash quite rarely--twice in the past year. I shoot probono work for NGOs; there's not even a few hundred buck for gear. I work with what I have or can get.)</p>

<p>I'm grateful for ideas, instruction, pointers and good wishes-</p>

<p>Thanks in advance-</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>This isn't a flash power issue, it is a light control issue. Get some foam paper (less than $1) from a craft shop, this will give you a very adjustable snoot allowing complete control of light spread and direction.</p>

<p>If the budget doesn't stretch to $1 you can use a cereal box but it isn't as good.</p>

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<p>Your flash can zoom to 85mm which is how it gets the GN of 36. Used close, you shouldn't need any coca puffs boxes as you'd need this to maximise on the 36 GN, having a way to control the spread you might find useful though. Don't use TTL.. that would be pointless. Use Manual. At least then you won't be chasing your exposures all over the place. Without buying a radio transmitter set, the cheapest way to sync your flash is probably by cable, even though it's inconvenient. And to help with darkening a background - wait until it goes dark.</p>

<p>A radio trigger would certainly help. I don't know where you are, but I have a drawer full of Cactus triggers and I'll send you a pair FOC if I don't get stung on postage.</p>

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<p>Ian, thanks so much. I'm grateful, especially for the offer to lend a Cactus trigger. I'll use a cord--test shots in one of the locations I'll be working at turned out real well. Agreed on the 85mm zoom. (Tho I like the cereal box snoot idea, for the fun of it. I got a honeycomb grid of cut drinking straws.)</p>

<p>Again, I'm really grateful for your offer to loan a trigger. Guys here on photo.net tend to be gracious in their advice and support. Yours is especially kind. Thanks again-</p>

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