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Question mark- why is this happening ?

lightwriting by swapan

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<p>Shooting with a 1 Ds MK III.<br>

Kingston Elite Pro CF card during shooting records the image but I am unable to view or download them. In camera shows a big yellow question mark and on computer screeen on Zoombrowser a question mark with yellow and black diagonal lines in the background.</p>

<p>Some shots are OK, most are corrupt.</p>

<p>What is at fault ? Camera ? Card ?</p>

<p>Happened with an SD card too.</p>

<p>Never happened in the past.</p>

<p>Any suggestions ?</p>


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<p>Sounds like it's the camera. Simply put, if it happened to both SD and CF card, the chances that both failed is less likely than winning the lottery. Also, since the camera can't read the images either, it's not a bad card reader (still a more common problem than card failure).... I would try shooting in RAW (unless you already are) just to see if it's a software problem (an error in translating the RAW data into jpg format) vs. a problem in actually writing data consistently to the card (a worse problem -- and given your description vastly more likely). But to me, regardless, it sounds like you're going to be shipping her off to Canon. Good luck!</p>
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<p>Take the cards out, take the battery out, remove the button cell from the compartment inside the main battery compartment. Leave it sitting for 30 minutes. Then put the button cell back in, put the main battery in, reset camera back to stock settings. Put in one card, format it in the camera, take a picture and see what happens, if it works put the other card in, format that and go from there. I would use the CF card slot first.<br>

Its a long shot but worth a try.</p>

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<p>Sounds like it's the camera. Simply put, if it happened to both SD and CF card, the chances that both failed is less likely than winning the lottery.</p>


<p>Well it is extremely unlikely to have both cards fail but I suspect that would happen several times over before you nail the lottery jackpot...</p>

<p>Do the PRAM reset like Scott details. Has saved many of my CPU infested devices from cellphones to cameras to audio gear. If that doesn't fix it, you know where to take it.</p>

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<p>New PC? I had some corrupt files and worried like you. Come to find out is was my new [newer and better, hmmm... lolol] W7 PC. I think I googled it and finally found someone else with it. The card reader included on the pc just doesn't work. I hope its a simple solution for you like that! Bought another san disk reader, no probs anymore.</p>
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