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Canon Thursday Photo 2011: #36


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<p>Jim -- man you KILLED IT with that surfer shot and processing you aptly applied. 'Grats!<br>

Randall -- LOL -- I bought a brand new Monte SS in Indy back in '84. My younger brother was my rooommate and a fulltime Chevy mechanic at the time -- quite a pair and thanks for the photo. I used to work several years at the Indy 500 in the Yellow Shirt safety crew all access. I did not shoot much then though....alas! Loser me!<br>

Tony -- way to go with that dandelion -- I've shot a few this summer but nothing even 5% as good as yours.</p>

<p>Cheers to all. (I wish a few more "stories behind the photos" would be posted -- some of you are shooters of such FEW WORDS! I understand how we all use photography as a 'crutch' to do are talking for us, but still... )</p>


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<p>How did it get to be Thursday again already? So many good photos from this week's postings. Here are some that stand out to me...</p>

<p>@ Jeff Spirer - Man, this guy could be a good Frankenstein. I assume it is the shadow cast by the nose that you don't like but it doesn't hurt the photo at all. I think it adds to the dimension and gives it a slightly macabre appearance.<br>

@ James G. - Eric looks a little put out, as you mention. Lighting looks great. Nice work with the new flash!<br>

@ Robin Smith - Simple, elegant, nice colors. Love the gradient in the water.<br>

@ Lupo - We conversed offline about this shot. A very interesting and well-done portrait. I like the high key look of this one. <br>

@ Mike Dixon - Yep, plenty of vinyl there. But the lighting makes this shot. I like how the model's face is lit. Is that all ambient light?<br>

@ Ervin Bacik - Nice detail in this macro shot. How did you get that close without it flying off?<br>

@ Peter Meade - I looked at this one on your Flicker page. Much more detail in the larger image. Nice panning shot; you nailed it.<br>

@ Lee Derrickson - It's easy to see he's having a blast. A little fill flash would brighten up his face a bit. I like the reflection in the mirror.<br>

@ Bill K - Very even lighting. A very nice nature shot of this heron. The cypress "knees" add to the interest.<br>

@ David Rohrer - Amazing detail you captured in this one. Good post work.<br>

@ Ian - Too funny! Reminds me of the vision I had when my mother used to say, "One day your face is going to freeze like that". Nicely done post work.<br>

@ Dean Schreuder - You nailed the lighting in this shot!<br>

@ Ken Papai - Super shot! Lighting/composition is perfect! Great work; one of your best. Makes me want to walk right into that photo.<br>

@ Eric Shelby - I like the water color. Reflected light gives it a nice texture. I agree, it is a shot that would work well in a larger size. Were you dangling from a helicopter for this one?<br>

@ Marcel Romviel - I like the concept, Marcel. Would this work better in a landscape rather than square crop?<br>

@ Michael Elenko - Interesting lens. Now you just need a nice sailboat in the background.<br>

@ paul langereis - To get the photo to show in your post, the longest side can't be more than 700 pixels. It's a nice shot; I hope others took a moment to click the link to view it.<br>

@ Jim R - Great surfing action shot!</p>

<p>Sorry I couldn't get to them all this week. There were so many good ones. Great work, folks!</p>


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