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Remote Shutter Release for 60D


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<p>Just got a 60d and now need a shutter release as the one from my 40d is not compatible (why doesn't the 60d have that 3 pin connection? not sure what it's called...) The only real requirement I have is that it works at a reasonable distance and is able to work with long exposures, which is to say for a one minute exposure I don't need to hold the trigger down for a minute rather I just hold it for the first few seconds and then press again to end the exposure.</p>

<p>A completely wireless IR remote would be preferable but I hear it won't work at every angle, like if I'm behind the camera. So I guess don't mind something that has to plug in.</p>

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<p>Thanks for the reply. That Intervalometer looks pretty nice, although I just stumbled across an inexpensive ebay <a href="http://www.ebay.com/itm/Canon-550D-T2i-450D-350D-RS-60E3-Timer-Remote-Cord-/200651153387?pt=Camera_Camcorder_Remotes&hash=item2eb7bd9feb">alternative</a>. Looks roughly the same and hard to go wrong for 13 bucks. May pick up that cheap IR remote as well just to have. Thanks.</p>
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<p>The RC1 and RC6 don't work well from behind the camera (except with reflective walls & floors) but works from above, below and to the right of the camera. So you don't have to actually be in front to use it. For bulb it takes 2 presses: once to open shutter flip up the mirror and another to close shutter/ drop the mirror. I find it easier to use than a wired release as it's less hassle in the dark.</p>

<p>If you're really cheap, you could use a learning remote and clone the IR signal off a friend's RC1. Actually works better (stronger & wider beam).</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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