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Metadata transfer in lightroom

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Hopefully this is an easy question, but can't seem to find the answer.


I have lightroom on both the home PC and a laptop. The catalogs were created independently, but the photos in them have the

same names and file structure. Now, what I have done is for some of the event type photos I used the laptop to record in the meta

data who was in each of the photos. No my issue, how do I transfer those metadata changes to the analogous images on my home

PC? I nay have maybe four or five folders of photos that need this handling, and I have an external disk to use.


What actions or process do I need to do in lightroom to accomplish this task? The research I have done has not given me much

confidence that the procedures would accomplish what I need. Any good ideas or good explanations?




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Run some experiments to see if this works the way you want it to:


1. On the laptop, use the Save Metadata to File command on the Photo menu.


2. On the desktop, use the Read Metadata from File command.


When you do #2, you may get asked whether you want to override any metadata already in Lightroom (in the desktop's catalog) with what's in the file. You should probably answer yes.


While this may work, it's cumbersome and error-prone enough so that at some point it's probably going to mess you up. Maybe not if you're extremely careful.


In an analogous situation (involving scanning from a computer in another room), I used Photo Mechanic to enter metadata before the images were even imported into Lightroom. That's foolproof.


You can also use Lightroom this way: Import into LR on laptop, enter metadata, Save Metadta to File, import into LR on desktop.

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<p>dont know for sure how to do this correctly .. but may i suggest something for the future?</p>

<p>Im doing kind of the same thing myself, when im traveling, i like to put rating, metadata, color code etc to my image on my laptop.. so heres a quick tips; use a external HD with your image on it AND the Lightroom catalogue, and start your LR from this catalogue all the time.. The cool thing about that is whatever you do on your main station or on your laptop you will always have the latest file since you always use the same one on both computer ; )</p>

<p>Of course, it goes without mention, that you should do a backup of this file AND all your image on another drive every week, month or anytime you feel like it so if s*** append, you have everything on your other HD. This of course goes even if your catalogue and images are on your main computer.. a backup is something people dont think they need until they need it.. and believe me you will eventually need it.. better be prepare than sorry ; )</p>

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Thanks guys.


David, the files are RAW. I usually shoot both, and may actually have both on the laptop hard drive, but on the

external right now I only have RAW. I do not have the auto sync on.


Patric, yes I'm due for a back up, isn't everyone LOL On my home PC I have a RAID 10 array and I have a home

server running a RAID 10 as back up. The I also have a external drive for a second back up. This does not always

feel like enough though :)


The laptop is going to be retired, this is the last thing I need to get off of it. The screen stopped working and it never

was a good laptop, so not worth it to try and fix.

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