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Will hasselblad lenses have AF confirmation with Contax 645


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<p>Hello - I currently have a Hasselblad 500cm and a couple of lenses but am looking for an AF body. The contax 645 seems to be top of the tree (arguably) out of the others and there would be the advantage of being able to use my current Hasselblad lenses, albeit without AF but would I get AF confirmation using the required adapter.<br>

Thank you.<br>


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<p>Paul - I hate to see a query go unanswered, as this one has...<br>

So although I don't have a Contax 645 I'm going to say something, if only to bring your query back to the top of the forum list for a bit...</p>

<p>My Mamiya 645AFD does splendid focus confirmation on adapted lenses. I don't see why the Contax would not also do the same, but the Contax 645 manual doesn't have anything to say about adapted lenses.</p>

<p>Each Contax lens mount has electronic contacts, so the only doubt would be whether the body behaves like a Canon EOS which requires chipped lenses/adapters to enable focus confirmation. But looking at the official Contax MAM-1 adapter for Hasselblad lenses, I don't see any chip/contacts (there are a couple on ebay right now). So I think you're safe.</p>

<p>BTW, you could use your current Hasselblad lenses on <em>any</em> of the 645 AF options - Mamiya, Pentax, Hasselblad H, or Contax. I just point this out because you seem to be saying that only the Contax can do this. I'm not trying to talk you out of the Contax, which is indeed probably the best 645 AF SLR body for film (digital is another question); just making sure you have all the facts before you decide.</p>

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<p>Hello Paul<br /><br />I own a Contax 645 and I don't know the answer to your question but... I use the Contax 99% in Manual Focus Mode and I don't use the focus confirmation. Using the Manual Focus mode you must depress the shutter half way to see the green mark indicating focus accuracy.<br /><br />This means you must use the shutter button the same way you do when you are using AF mode. Kind of dumb if you ask me, because you must use your index finger and still have to turn the lens yourself.<br /><br />The good part is, you don't need focus confirmation (IMMO) because even using the standard focusing screen it's very, very, easy to get the focus right. The viewfinder is so big and bright it's a joy to focus manually the Contax.<br>

Hope this helps.</p>

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