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Not sure what to charge for a gig ?

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<p>Hello, I my name is Megan and I am a commercial photography major about to complete the photo program this fall, I have done lots of work for free but I havent really had to many paying gigs, I have been looking for work and I got a reply for a job of photographing resturaunt dishes for a start up website and they asked me how much i would charge and i dont know what to tell them.. is there a "going rate" per image ? I will be taking a photo buisness class and a Portfolio class next semester and Im sure they cover these kinds of things but as of now i have no clue of what to charge..do you have any suggestions? Thank you for your time, Megan</p>
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<p>Generally speaking I go with a per shot price range of $5 - $30 per shot. $5 being a simple product such as a supplement bottle on a white background. $30.00 being a shot with props and a styled background. Of course licensing and creative fees are a part of the deal. You must also be realistic with your post processing time.<br>

In your case I am not sure I would bid on a per shot basis. Too much of the time is in the hand of the chef and their presentation must be immaculate. Plus lighting each dish can be tricky so it is not the in and out like photographing a product. Look at a CODB calculator such as http://www.nppa.org/professional_development/business_practices/cdb/cdbcalc.cfm and come up with an hourly or daily rate for the client.</p>


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<p>I formerly took the NYIP course back in the film days to get started myself. In those days they did include a guide "Business How to open your own studio" and in there they talked about all kinds of photograph including an idea on how to price your work. After reading 100's of other photographer's ads in magazines and ever calling a few for pricing I was able to work out pricing for most of my work. Today, we have websites to help out with all this pricing work. Makes it a lot easier and anonymous to gather facts about the business. </p>

<p>PPA and actually looking at other commercial photographer's website should give you some insight on how to start your pricing out for your very first gigs. Make sure you do some good research on the industry you are interested in getting into for your photography. While you are still doing your course material, whether it be with a physical school or a school such as NYIP this is the best time to start that research.</p>

<p>It also wouldn't hurt to build a portfolio of your current work by going to historical places or finding some free work which you have already mentioned you have done put the best shots together into one portfolio as examples for when you start your business.</p>

<p>You will gain experience along the way and will be able to utilize your education to its fullest.<br>

Good Luck!</p>

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