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Need dedicated PS plugin to handle ICE cleaning

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I scan my stuff using Vuescan. The spot removal is good, but not great. It's not ICE. It seems to remove the dust and smudges but not scratches, especially the ones on the emulsion side. Alternative scanning software is out of the question. I can save raw 16bit per channel scans, along with the IR channel with no problem. A few years back I played around with a PS "action" that was supposed to handle the dust cleaning. It turned out to be a complete waste of time. I don't want to go down that route again.<br>

Logically thinking, there should be either a stand-alone software to handle the task, or more likely a PS plugin. Something tells me it would cost around a 100 bucks. So, is there such thing? Must be genuine ICE.<br>

To clarify something: even if there are scratches on my slides, they are very minor. None of my transparencies has those "colored streaks"<br>


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<p>i use a small trick for years.. when i was a scanman and didtn have ICE at that time.. heres the recipe;</p>

<p>1_double the background</p>

<p>2_if you have mainly white dust, set this layer to DARKEN as the blending mode</p>

<p>3_select the MOVE tool, and on your keyboard, press ONCE on the left or right arrow (your choice) and ONCE on the up or down arrow (your choice).</p>

<p>What that do is to move the file from 1pixel left / right and up/down.. most of the dust should go away, and since its 1 pixels only, you shouldtn see too much of it, and when print 8x10 or 16x20 it shouldtn be apparent at all.. even with the smallest details.</p>

<p>Its like moving 2 swiss cheese piece opn top of each other.. and by moving the whole on top of each other you are covering the *bad* area ... not sure if you follow me .. but it work ; )</p>

<p>Then after, just merge the 2 layer back together. If you still have dust, retouch it by hand, with or without the use of a mask.</p>

<p>Method 2;</p>

<p>1_double your background</p>

<p>2_use the dust and scratch filter that way;</p>

<p>zoom to 100%, put the worst zone on your screen, put all the Dust filter setting to the lowset setting possible (0 if i remember correctly) in the RADIUS find the number that work best to clean most of the dust away.. normally it could be something like 3-5 max...</p>

<p>Then find the other number for the THRESHOLD.. normally its around x7 your 1rst number.. if you put 4, make x7 = 28.. should be pretty close to that.</p>

<p>The second number should bring you back details without bringing back the dust.. so find the correct RADIUS number to start cleaning, and the correct TRESHOLD number to bring all the details back.</p>

<p>3_then, set this new layer to DARKEN (if your dust is mostly white) or LIGHTEN (if your dust is mostly black) add a mask to this layer, fill it with black, and paint the dust away with a brush suze that do the best job for you ALWAYS remaining at 100% view.</p>

<p>Then when its finish, merge both layer and again, do the rest by hand.</p>

<p>Method 1 or 2 work very well, you can even create a action for it and batch process the whole thing (just need to open them all after to brush the dust away.</p>

<p>It will save you HOURS i guarantee it ; )</p>


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