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how to cut sinar base rail?


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<p>I have a Sinar P with the standard 12 inch base rail. I have a spare rail that I would like to shorten by about three inches so I can use it specifically with my 65, 75 and 90mm lenses and have the most compact arrangement I can with the bag bellows.<br>

Normally I'm good at this sort of engineering, but I'm baffled by how to take the rail apart so that I can cut the tube and top guide, any help would be appreciated.</p>

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<p>From what I remember of Sinar rails they consist of a circular tube with a square section guide screwed to it. The end caps are screwed into a plastic insert IIRC. I'm not sure why you'd need to dismantle the rail to cut it, but the square guide should come off with just the loosening of a few countersunk screws. This info may be completely out of date now, since I haven't touched a Sinar for some considerable time.</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure that Sinar supplied shorter extension rails, so it might be possible to sell your spare rail complete and buy a shorter rail, rather than "ruin" a perfectly good rail. If your luck's in you might even be able to swap rails with someone.</p>

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<p>Thom has the right idea, rather than making a mess and risking devaluation of a perfectly good Sinar item. Buying components to make up LF outfits is common practice, so there will surely be a buyer for the spare 12" bench/rail. Check eBay for prices.</p>

<p><a href="http://photography.shop.ebay.com/Cameras-Photo-/625/i.html?_kw=6%22&_kw=sinar&_kw=rail">Items on eBay.com today.</a></p>

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