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Small bag for M9?

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<p>I was lucky to purchase (about 20 years ago) 4 small inexpensive Cullmann bags that are well padded and accept a camera and lens like yours. When travelling, one or more of these go into a cheap plastic cooler type bag (lunch bag as Michael suggests) of a similar or larger size, or into an inexpensive folding nylonback pack, each of which announce nothing of particular value. While I admire the finish and appearance of top quality camera bags (Billingham, Fogg or other) I have not acquired them as they only serve as announcements for the contents.</p>

<p>I am sure there are small well padded cases that you can adapt for this in the same way my Cullmann cases are used. The attached photo shows one such case enclosing an M8 and 35mm ASPH with square lens hood attached. The camera is in a half case and the metal zippers have been undercovered with electrician's tape to avoid contact with the contents. In winter the camera and lens go into plastic freezer bag, which also came in handy once to protect the contents in a strong downpour of rain (I got drenched of course).</p><div>00Yxqu-374243584.jpg.3f2549cd97d2bcee9adc17d75b60849c.jpg</div>

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<p>david, The first thing I'd consider is the Domke F-5XB. It seems just a tiny bit small for my film slr's, but I think it might be perfect for you. I have 3 different Domke's for different needs and love them all; extremely well made, they hold up, and look great. They're not made in China either, a huge plus for me.</p>

<p>Here's a link to Tiffen's site, the company that owns Domke. A lot of info. there, and the last time I looked they'd added several new models, but still make this classic. You probably want to purchase online from one of the big photo retailers after doing your research at the Tiffen site, as prices are much cheaper at B&H, Adorama, etc.<br /> http://www.tiffen.com/displayproduct.html?tablename=domke&itemnum=700-52B</p>

<p>The F-5XB is a hugely popular bag, david, as are the Domke satchels. I know you said "very small" but this link discusses many of its features while comparing the F-5XB with a popular Domke satchel style bag. There are many other posts about this bag and they are easily found with the search feature here. Hope this helps. <br />http://www.photo.net/leica-rangefinders-forum/007u6C?start=0</p>

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<p>I admit that Jeff and Eric have good points. I think that putting some (also inconspicuous) tape over the red dot and nameplate on a camera body sometimes makes sense for certain places of visit. I am getting a case for my folding bike to enable its public transport and was thinking about masking the name on the case. </p>
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<p>Whatever you do, check the Fogg B-Sharp bag before deciding on anything else. To tell the truth, the photos in their we page does not do them justice, but if you live in northern california or new york you can handle one of them in the very few places that sell them. It is my favourite bag, and I have a few.</p>
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