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Film for Fuji 617


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<p>If you are using the 90mm or 105mm lenses, be sure to use the centre nd grad. With Velvia or any other transparency film you will need a spotmeter. Take your readings from the mid tone areas of the scene, such as grass and bracket accordingly, bearing in mind the shadow and highlight spot meter readings.<br>

Anything less than Imacon or drum scanning the transparencies makes the project a little pointless imo, 6x17 is not a format for playing with. It needs to be used with a definite objective and end-use in mind otherwise it will be a rather expensive dabbling exercise.<br>

Expect some failures to begin with, especially with bad metering technique and accidental double exposures, until you know what you are doing.<br>

When you get it right, those Velvia 50asa transparencies are without equal. Good luck!</p>

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