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<p>I use CLS and mutible lighting successfully, with my D90, and Sb-800, and Sb-600.</p>

<p>With a SC-29 Extension cable, and the SB-800 pointed into the umbrella, and the focus assit on the camera to the subject, will the exposure be correct with ITTL?</p>

<p>It works wirelesly was wondering if it will work with the SC-29 extension?</p>

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<p>Yes, the sc-29 is an extension of the hot shoe. When you have the flash in iTTL mode, exposure is calculated by the camera when it sees the pre-flash from the SB-800. The flash is given instructions on what power level to use based on the pre-flash exposure calculation. The same thing happens when the flash is set off through remote CLS commands using iTTL.</p>
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