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The sun came out

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<p>+1 for the groan... but also +1 for the source of that groan, I have to admit the pun is very fitting:)<br>

Its been raining like mad here, but when the sun does come out, the world looks like it got a fresh wet coat of paint:)</p>

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<p>My father bought a second hand Contax IIIa with pre-war Carl Zeiss Jena 5cm f2 collapsible lens, along with a Nikon 13.5cm f3.5 telephoto lens, in 1958 and began shooting Kodachrome 35mm slide film with it. I have his slides, they are gorgeous. He used the Contax until 1969 when he bought his black Nikon F with FTn meter prism. Unfortunately I sold the Contax and 5cm lens in the 1990s to fund the purchase of a medium format SLR camera.</p>
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<p>Gene, I am red-green color blind (kept me out of pilot training) but even I can appreciate the lovely greens in your pics. I have a Contax IIa and I intend to be buried with it. I know it will last forever and hope some of that mojo rubs off on me.</p>
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Great pictures, Gene. It's definitely green, that's for sure! I mean really bright vivid green! All that rain apparently helped. It's been really overcast even where I live in southern California. It was cloudy and drizzling for like 2 weeks. It finally started to clear up over the past few days. I'll have some new pictures to post soon.


Kodak Gold 200 is one of my favorite films. It has a really nice warm look to it, which you can see in a few of your pictures.


And holy cow...that camera is awesome too!

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