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Canon Prixma MG6150 question

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<p>Hi folks</p>

<p>Hope someone can help me out with a small difficulty that i'm having with my new above photo printer .... </p>

<p>I haven't connected my computer to my printer yet but i thought i'd print a couple of images off my memory stick. One of my images i'd cropped in a square format but when i set the printer to the A4 size paper that i was using and printed the image, the image printed full A4 size, not square as i had cropped! The picture looks fine full A4 size, but it isn't the way i wanted it .... I can't see any on-screen 'prompts' on the printer that would direct the printer to print 'square' when i want it to .... I must be able to do this?! </p>

<p>Can anyone help/advise me please?! </p>

<p>Kind regards,<br>



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<p>Seems strange, are you sure you have the correct file? If you cropped the image by removing pixels, I can't see how the printer could possibly be recreating them....</p>

<p>Is the image cropped when you look at a preview in Windows Explorer? If not, there's a problem with how you saved the file from PSE.</p>


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