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nikon s6100 VS olympus vr 310??


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<p>Hi im new to this forum and i want to buy a nice digital camera that will be good to use in europe. i am keen to take some nice picks of landmarks such as the eiffel tower, city skylines and cultural buildings and scenic views.. etc, i cant decide whether to buy the nikon s6100 which has 16 MP and 7x optical zoom, or the olympus vr 310 that has 14MP but with 10 zoom. i am hoping to print these pics into a canvas style print once i get back home to australia. can anyone help me with comparing the 2 cameras??</p>
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What is the starting point of these lenses? Both are impressive zooms in what you state above but you won't be fitting in too many historical landmarks on their entirety with a 10x optical zoom unless you happen to be at least a mile away. A good 28mm or wider equivalent start would be very useful if you want to capture the whole of a building.</p>

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<p>As Starvy says, if your main intent is to photograph landmarks, buildings, skylines, etc. you will be much better served with a wide angle than a big optical zoom. The streets in Europe cities are narrow; if you are standing on a sidewalk trying to photograph a building, a 10x zoom will not do you any good at all.</p>

<p>Look for a camera with at least a 28mm lens, a 24 would probably be better.</p>

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