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removing unwanted item in image

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<p>I have several photos of old buildings and vehilces that also contain modern vehicles which I want to remove. While at some retail stores I was looking at apple computers and was able to remove rocks and other items from photos with a simple click with the mouse. I run windows 7 and have Photoshop CS5 installed. I was told by a sales person at a photo store that Photoshop can do the same thing. I have not been able to do it however unless I paint out the affending auto which takes alot of time and stil have ghosts of the cars. Is there a way of doing this with windows 7 and photoshop or is this exclusive to apple?</p>
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<p>There is no magic pill to this. Small items can be removed easily, but larger things just take a lot of time and reconstruction. In many cases, things get worse before they get better. I use an Apple and don't know of any easy fix for such things--photoshop is photoshop and most other programs (don't know what you were using on the apple computer) are a step down from its power and ability in this arena.</p>
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<p>My guess is that the sales person was refering to PS's Content Aware Fill. Google for it and you'll find lots of examples.<br>



PS: The Gimp supports something similar (Smart Remove Selection plugin).</p>

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<p>The suggestions above (and TONS of hard work and attention to detail) WILL get your work done - the question is: what do you intend to do with the images? If you're planning to sell them as stock, then you're fine. Competition entries on the other hand are another story, as are newspapers, etc. They usually demand unaltered images...</p>
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