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PS (Photoshop) the POW (Photo of the Week)--GO! 5/16/11


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<p>This week's image for Photoshopping was submitted by Vail Fucci--thank you.<br /><br />You may post one reworked image, so make it your best effort. Any explanations about why and how you did what you did are encouraged and appreciated. Any critique is also welcome. Please remember to make your image 700 pixels wide and post a caption.<br /><br />For those of you wondering what this thread is about, this is part two of an exercise called Photo of the Week, in which an image is chosen from submissions to be critiqued, or, in this case, 'photoshopped' by others. You may find the thread with image submissions by looking for the most recent one with a similar title.<br /><br />Have fun!</p><div>00YkZU-359879584.jpg.d697cbaa1ad0a0092b4b781c8aa1a419.jpg</div>
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<p>Here's my take on it. I added a lot more color just because I love color. I also darkened her a bit just because she looked a little too bright for me :) I added a slight blur for a soft dreamy affect. The only thing I didn't do that I would have if I had the large file would have been to bring back the details in the shadows in his tux and umbrella.</p><div>00YkjU-360049684.jpg.24fc86cfab5c4fd984900c1daf5c2b7d.jpg</div>
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<p>Ok this was a bit of an experiment...</p>

<p>First off, when there's stormy skies, I like to try and make them more dramatic looking. For fun (as in: I don't do this with my wedding/portrait work normally!) I saved out 3 bracketed images for HDR processing. I know that HDR can really add drama to a sky, so I figured why not. As a note though... yes it's fake HDR, as I just opened the jpg in Camera Raw and used the same image to make the 3 brackets.</p>

<p>Back in Photoshop, I brought in the original and the HDR and masked the HDR so it just included just the sky and some of the background. The exposure on the couple was great so I only boosted it slightly to accentuate them more (maybe a bit too much?). Some burning as well around the couple to help them pop a little more. EDIT: I forgot to mention that I cloned/healed out the house... as it wound up being distracting in my final composition!</p>

<p>I then converted to B/W using Channel Mixer twice... once for the background (that made the couple kinda gross looking) then another for the couple. Then cropped to 8x10 aspect to tighten it up and throw some rule of thirds goodness in.</p>

<p>All in all... I think it achieved what I saw in my head, but would I send it to a client? Probably not... although I think with the original RAW file, I could probably get a little more surgical and make an image that was less muddy.</p>

<p>Thanks for sharing! Cheers!</p><div>00YkrD-360195584.jpg.6f3e47bbb6b12b22f534f774fd4e9e0e.jpg</div>

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<p>I thought of it when I chaged the sky to sunny with wispy clouds, but opted to keep it when I changed my mind about the sky, figured the umbrilla would play nice with the lightning.</p>



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